Journal of Geo-information Science >
A Variational Graph Convolutional Auto-encoder Model Supporting Similarity Retrieval of Building Groups Patterns
Received date: 2022-10-18
Revised date: 2022-12-31
Online published: 2023-06-30
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42261076)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42061060)
Major Projects for Science and Technology of Gansu Province(22ZD6GA010)
State Key Laboratory of Geo-Information Engineering and Key Laboratory of Surveying and MappingScience and Geospatial Information Technology of MNR, CASM(2022-03-03)
To address the problems of weak model generalization and insufficient utilization of spatial information due to the strict constraints in the fusion method of geometric features and spatial relations and the spectral domain similarity metric in the current building group similar pattern retrieval, this paper proposes a similar retrieval model based on the variational graph convolutional auto-encoder. Firstly, the minimum spanning tree is used to construct the building group graph structure and embed the building description features into the graph nodes to realize the quantified representation of the building group pattern. Secondly, in the reparameterization module of the variogram self-encoder, the mixed noise is generated by fusing the four-dimensional hyperchaotic system and Gaussian distribution to improve the generalization ability of the model by increasing the randomness of sampling. Then the graph convolution and pooling are used instead of fully connected layer to retain more spatial information. And the low-dimensional features are processed to obtain the feature encoding of building group patterns. Finally, the cosine distance is used to obtain the similarity between the building group to be retrieved and the building group in the pattern encoding library, so as to achieve the similarity retrieval of building group patterns. The experimental results show that the proposed model can effectively extract the pattern features of building groups and realize end-to-end similar pattern retrieval of building groups through unsupervised learning, which provides a new idea and method for automatic classification and similarity retrieval of building group patterns.
LING Zhenfei , LIU Tao , DU Ping , ZHAO Dan , CHEN Puyi , MA Tianen . A Variational Graph Convolutional Auto-encoder Model Supporting Similarity Retrieval of Building Groups Patterns[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2023 , 25(7) : 1405 -1417 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.220803
表1 建筑群组模式定量化描述指标Tab. 1 Quantitative description indicators of building groups pattern |
指标 | 计算公式 | 指标含义 | 公式编号 |
面积 | Ab | 建筑物的面积[1] | (1) |
周长 | Pb | 建筑物的周长[1] | (2) |
均半径 | 建筑物的半径[1] | (3) | |
分形维度 | 面积与周长的对数关系[24] | (4) | |
紧凑度 | 面积与周长的二次关系[24] | (5) | |
方向 | Ra | 建筑物最小外接矩形方向 | (6) |
结构方向差异 | Ry | 同一个群组内建筑物最小外接矩形方向与y轴夹角的差异 | (7) |
注:式(3)中Ri表示建筑物第i个边界点到其中心点的距离,N表示建筑物边界点的数量,r表示建筑物边界点到其中心点的平均距离。 |
图3 群组内建筑物最小外接矩形最长边方向与y轴夹角Fig. 3 The angle between the direction of the longest side of the smallest external rectangle and the y-axis of the building in the cluster take linear, curvilinear, F-like as an example |
表2 训练样本中6种建筑群组模式部分示例Tab. 2 Examples of some of the 6 building group patterns in the training sample |
建筑群组 模式分类 | 直线型 | 曲线型 | 网格型 | F型 | T型 | L型 |
待检索 建筑群组 | ||||||
训练样本 |
表3 VGCAE模型使用高斯噪声和混合噪声的性能评估Tab. 3 Performance evaluation of VGCAE model using Gaussian noise and mixed noise |
模型 | FT | NDCG |
VGCAE+高斯噪声 | 0.418 | 0.825 |
VGCAE+混合噪声 | 0.456 | 0.869 |
GFT | 0.328 | 0.745 |
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