Journal of Geo-information Science >
Downscaling of CCI Soil Moisture in the Xiliaohe River Basin based on Random Forest
Received date: 2022-12-29
Revised date: 2023-03-21
Online published: 2023-07-14
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42071040)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(U2243203)
National Key Research and Devel opment Program of China(2019YFC1510601)
Soil moisture is a key factor in the climate system and has important application in agricultural management, water resource management, and ecosystem monitoring and assessment. Although remote sensing-derived soil moisture products can provide soil moisture distribution on a large scale, they usually have coarse spatial resolution, making it difficult to meet the requirements of practical applications. Thus, downscaling of remote sensing-derived soil moisture products has become one of the hot topics recently. In this paper, the ESA CCI daily soil moisture at 0.25°resolution is used as the main data source, combined with the MODIS underlying surface data, topographic data, meteorological data, and other environmental factors at 1 km resolution. A random forest downscaling model is constructed to generate downscaled CCI daily soil moisture products at 1 km resolution in the Xiliaohe River Basin of China from 2013 to 2020. Results show that: (1) The analysis of the importance score of environmental factors shows that relative humidity and daytime surface temperature are the two most important factors influencing soil moisture, followed by topography and location factors; (2) The performance of the random forest downscaling model is verified by using the measured data of 22 stations within the study area, and the results show that the downscaled results considering multiple environmental factors (underlying surface, topography, and meteorology) are more accurate than that considering only surface elements. The RMSE of each site is below 0.048 8 m3/m3, the average correlation coefficient is 0.497 3, the absolute value of BIAS is 0.003 0~0.033 3 m3/m3, and the R2 of soil moisture after downscaling is 0.52~0.84 compared with the original CCI remote sensing soil moisture; (3) The downscaled soil moisture has similar temporal trends with the site-level measured soil moisture with less fluctuation in values. The downscaling method proposed in this study improves the spatial resolution of remote sensing-derived soil moisture data while preserving the spatial pattern of the original data set, which can meet the demand for high-resolution soil moisture data in practical applications and provide a reference for the selection of environmental factors in soil moisture downscaling studies.
CAO Yu , FANG Xiuqin , YANG Lulu , JIANG Xinyuan , LIAO Meiyu , REN Liliang . Downscaling of CCI Soil Moisture in the Xiliaohe River Basin based on Random Forest[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2023 , 25(8) : 1669 -1681 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.221013
表1 研究数据的基本信息Tab. 1 Information of the data |
数据类型 | 数据名称 | 时间分辨率 | 空间分辨率 | 时段/年 | 来源 |
土壤湿度产品 | ESA CCI | 1 d | 0.25° | 2013—2020 | |
地表参数 | MOD11A1 | 1 d | 1 km | 2013—2020 | |
MOD09GA | 1 d | 500 m | |||
MCD12Q1 | 1 y | 500 m | |||
气象因子 | 日最高温MaxT | 1 d | 0.083° | 2013—2020 | |
日均气温MeanT | 1 d | 0.083° | |||
日最低温MinT | 1 d | 0.083° | |||
日降水量PRE | 1 d | 0.083° | |||
相对湿度RH | 1 d | 0.083° | |||
风速WND | 1 d | 0.083° | |||
实际水汽压VAP | 1 d | 0.083° | |||
日照时长SSH | 1 d | 0.083° | |||
高程 | DEM | — | 90 m | 2013—2020 | |
表2 2种情形下土壤湿度降尺度结果的精度对比Tab. 2 Comparison of the accuracy of soil moisture downscaling results in two conditions |
站点名称 | 情形一:地表参数作为降尺度因子 | 情形二:多环境要素(地表、地形和气象)作为降尺度因子 | |||||
克什克腾 | 0.042 6 | 0.359 8 | -0.022 9 | 0.035 1 | 0.412 8 | 0.009 1 | |
林西 | 0.037 6 | 0.315 9 | -0.006 7 | 0.035 6 | 0.600 5 | 0.018 2 | |
岗子 | 0.036 9 | 0.581 7 | 0.019 8 | 0.031 2 | 0.634 1 | -0.003 0 | |
巴林右 | 0.034 4 | 0.506 6 | -0.012 2 | 0.030 9 | 0.590 8 | 0.003 8 | |
喀喇沁 | 0.035 1 | 0.438 1 | 0.006 0 | 0.033 2 | 0.514 9 | 0.003 2 | |
八里罕 | 0.040 8 | 0.489 5 | 0.018 0 | 0.035 9 | 0.483 6 | -0.005 4 | |
赤峰 | 0.040 1 | 0.369 5 | -0.008 1 | 0.034 5 | 0.439 5 | 0.003 6 | |
翁牛特 | 0.036 5 | 0.523 4 | 0.005 9 | 0.036 1 | 0.496 9 | -0.004 1 | |
富河 | 0.041 0 | 0.180 7 | -0.011 0 | 0.039 7 | 0.358 2 | 0.017 0 | |
宁城 | 0.041 3 | 0.451 1 | 0.012 5 | 0.038 0 | 0.454 0 | -0.014 9 | |
巴林左 | 0.033 6 | 0.518 2 | -0.007 1 | 0.031 3 | 0.631 8 | 0.004 6 | |
霍林郭勒 | 0.047 9 | 0.217 7 | -0.009 7 | 0.045 8 | 0.325 3 | 0.012 8 | |
敖汉 | 0.040 3 | 0.355 9 | -0.002 0 | 0.030 6 | 0.617 5 | 0.012 5 | |
阿鲁科尔沁 | 0.040 5 | 0.300 5 | -0.002 1 | 0.034 9 | 0.545 6 | 0.013 0 | |
巴雅尔吐胡硕 | 0.043 1 | 0.319 0 | -0.004 9 | 0.037 3 | 0.631 5 | 0.017 7 | |
奈曼 | 0.040 1 | 0.159 6 | 0.007 5 | 0.037 0 | 0.427 3 | 0.019 7 | |
扎鲁特 | 0.044 3 | 0.421 2 | -0.017 1 | 0.033 3 | 0.667 9 | 0.013 8 | |
开鲁 | 0.053 5 | 0.031 9 | -0.012 5 | 0.048 3 | 0.305 1 | 0.031 1 | |
舍伯吐 | 0.053 1 | 0.328 1 | -0.028 7 | 0.040 3 | 0.543 2 | 0.018 7 | |
通辽 | 0.048 9 | 0.258 6 | -0.017 8 | 0.047 1 | 0.566 5 | 0.033 3 | |
科左中 | 0.065 9 | 0.109 4 | 0.033 5 | 0.048 9 | 0.177 7 | 0.020 9 | |
双辽 | 0.047 6 | 0.540 4 | 0.019 9 | 0.034 5 | 0.529 6 | -0.006 1 |
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