Journal of Geo-information Science >
Urban Expansion Cellular Automata Simulation by Coupling Hierarchical Driving Mechanism of Cell and Patch Scales
Received date: 2023-05-12
Revised date: 2023-07-08
Online published: 2023-09-05
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Plan(2022YFC3800804)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42171411)
Open Fund Project of Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Natural Resources for Research on Rule of Law(CUGFZ-2207)
Guangdong Science and Technology Strategic Innovation Fund (the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Joint Laboratory Program(2020B1212030009)
Requirements for the territorial spatial planning of the new era pose new challenges to the relationship between urban land expansion and agricultural and ecological spaces. Urban expansion is closely related to social and economic development as well as ecological environment protection. It is of great significance to study the urban expansion for promoting the urbanization process. The simulation of urban expansion can provide scientific support for formulating territorial spatial planning policies. The spatial characteristics of urban construction land patches are important factors affecting the expansion of urban land and are at different levels against the cell level. Therefore, hierarchically coupling the spatial characteristics of cells and patches can improve the simulation accuracy. Taking the Shanghai metropolitan area as an example, this paper constructs a cellular automata model (Spatial Network - Hierarchical Generalized Linear - Cellular Automata, SN-HGLM-CA) that takes into account both the spatial network structure of urban construction land and the hierarchical relationship of variables. Firstly, the spatial characteristics of patches are extracted through the spatial network model of urban construction land. The hierarchical relationship between variables is considered by using the HGLM to obtain the suitability probability of urban land expansion, and then embedded into the cellular automata model for urban land expansion simulation. This study draws the following research conclusions: ① The spatial network model based on urban construction land patches is of great significance for identifying the spatial importance characteristics of urban construction land and mining its expansion patterns; ② The HGLM model can reveal the hierarchical relationship between cells and patches during urban construction land expansion, which helps to improve the simulation accuracy of the cellular automata model; ③ The simulation of urban land expansion based on the SN-HGLM-CA model achieves good results in terms of simulation accuracy and landscape morphology, with the landscape similarity index exceeding 95%. In addition, compared to the SN-Logistic-CA model, the figure of merit value of our simulation increases by about 6.61%, which indicates that our simulation not only accurately reproduces the actual layout of urban construction land, but also improves the compactness of patch distribution. This paper explores the law of urban expansion from the spatial network structure characteristics of urban expansion, which can help urban planners to determine the reasonability of current trend considering the development status of urban expansion, and provide reference for the delineation of urban development boundaries.
WANG Yuying , WANG Haijun , ZHOU Xingang , ZHANG Bin , ZHOU Xiaoyan . Urban Expansion Cellular Automata Simulation by Coupling Hierarchical Driving Mechanism of Cell and Patch Scales[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2023 , 25(9) : 1784 -1797 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.230261
表1 驱动因子数据信息Tab. 1 Spatial variable factor data information |
分类 | 驱动因子含义 | 数据来源 | 时间/年 | 原始数据值范围 | 数据预处理 |
地形地貌 | 海拔高度/m | 中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心 | 2015 | -76.96~1 548.99 | 归一化 |
坡度/° | 2015 | 0~65.34 | 重采样、归一化 | ||
道路交通 | 距铁路距离/m | Openstreetmap | 2015 | 0~89 511.10 | 欧氏距离、归一化 |
距高速公路距离/m | 2015 | 0~91 105.50 | 欧氏距离、归一化 | ||
距城市主干道距离/m | 2015 | 0~92426.80 | 欧氏距离、归一化 | ||
距城市次干道距离/m | 2015 | 0~70 250.10 | 欧氏距离、归一化 | ||
距城市支路距离/m | 2015 | 0~41 121.00 | 欧氏距离、归一化 | ||
距高架快速路距离/m | 2015 | 0~79 939.20 | 欧氏距离、归一化 | ||
距市中心距离/m | 2015 | 0~125 522.00 | 欧氏距离、归一化 | ||
距区县中心距离/m | 2015 | 0~77 802.20 | 欧氏距离、归一化 | ||
社会经济 | 公里格网GDP/万元/km2 | 中国科学院资源环境科学 数据中心 | 2015 | 780.81~2 069 174.62 | 重采样、归一化 |
公里格网POP/人/km2 | 2015 | 151.80 ~ 41 863.10 | 重采样、归一化 |
表2 驱动因子多重共线性检验Tab. 2 Multicollinearity test list of driving factors |
变量名称 | VIF | 变量名称 | VIF |
海拔高度 | 1.651 | 距城市支路距离 | 1.374 |
坡度 | 1.630 | 距高架快速路距离 | 2.311 |
距铁路距离 | 2.226 | GDP | 3.876 |
距高速公路距离 | 1.955 | POP | 3.809 |
距城市主干道距离 | 2.120 | 距市中心距离 | 1.908 |
距城市次干道距离 | 1.619 | 距区县中心距离 | 1.445 |
表3 2000—2020年上海大都市圈城镇建设用地空间网络模型参数Tab. 3 Parameters of urban land spatial network model in Shanghai metropolitan area from 2000 to 2020 |
年份 | 面积/km2 | 节点数/个 | 搜索半径/m | 边数量/条 |
2000 | 2 404.56 | 861 | 22 720 | 31 690 |
2005 | 3 365.91 | 815 | 23 472 | 27 784 |
2010 | 5 343.97 | 746 | 25 693 | 26 382 |
2015 | 5 819.49 | 796 | 24 438 | 29 258 |
2020 | 6 577.09 | 700 | 25 531 | 23 036 |
表4 SN-HGLM变量参数识别结果Tab.4 Parameter identification of SN-HGLM |
驱动因子 | 系数 | P值 | 空间交互系数 | 空间交互P值 |
空间重要性 | 0.814 | 0.495 | - | - |
坡度 | -1.616 | 0.101 | -7.942 | 0.032 |
距铁路距离 | 3.409 | 0.312 | 14.766 | 0.234 |
距高速距离 | -0.734 | 0.835 | 8.048 | 0.515 |
距主干道距离 | 21.606 | 0.055 | 99.125 | 0.027 |
距支路距离 | -0.501 | 0.903 | 22.805 | 0.108 |
距高架距离 | 3.910 | 0.312 | -1.868 | 0.893 |
海拔高度 | -1.472 | 0.000 | - | - |
距次干道距离 | -10.831 | 0.000 | - | - |
距市中心距离 | -1.352 | 0.000 | - | - |
距区县中心距离 | -5.620 | 0.000 | - | - |
GDP | -23.906 | 0.000 | - | - |
POP | 11.080 | 0.000 | - | - |
表5 2020年上海大都市圈城镇建设用地扩展模型精度对比Tab. 5 Comparison of accuracy of urban land expansion models in Shanghai metropolitan area in 2020 |
Logistic-CA | SN-Logistic-CA | ANN-CA | SN-ANN-CA | SN-HGLM-CA | |
OA | 0.983 4 | 0.983 4 | 0.984 1 | 0.984 3 | 0.984 0 |
Kappa | 0.919 1 | 0.919 2 | 0.922 5 | 0.922 9 | 0.921 8 |
FoM | 0.234 3 | 0.234 5 | 0.245 3 | 0.247 3 | 0.250 0 |
表6 2020年上海大都市圈城镇建设用地模拟景观指数对比Tab. 6 Comparison of landscape index of urban land expansion models in Shanghai metropolitan area in 2020 |
NP | PARA | ENN | LPI | /% | |
真实值 | 661 | 127.662 3 | 1 514.147 8 | 1.593 1 | - |
SN-Logistic-CA | 686 | 130.249 7 | 1 384.005 2 | 1.652 7 | 95.46 |
SN-ANN-CA | 675 | 122.478 7 | 1 420.680 5 | 1.621 6 | 96.46 |
SN-HGLM-CA | 675 | 115.975 3 | 1 463.112 8 | 1.626 7 | 95.81 |
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