Journal of Geo-information Science >
A Graph Convolution-based Spatio-temporal Crime Prediction Model Considering Road Weights
Received date: 2023-05-31
Revised date: 2023-08-02
Online published: 2023-09-22
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program(2022YFB3903602)
Special Projects of Ministry of Public Security in Strengthening Basic Police Work(2021JC35)
Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42001159)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41971367)
Spatiotemporal crime prediction often employs quantitative techniques such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), geo-statistics, and big data analysis to predict the time and risk area (or location) of crime events that are more likely to occur in the future. In the era of big data, how to dynamically optimize the deployment of limited police forces and successfully improve the effectiveness of crime prevention based on data-driven crime predictions is a research focus in the field of global predictive policing. It is also a main practical direction for law enforcement agencies worldwide to implement modern proactive policing models. Traditional crime geography and spatiotemporal crime prediction methods mainly use police precincts or grids as the basic spatial analysis unit, and the analysis results are not conducive to guiding refined patrol force planning and deployment. The graph neural network based on deep learning can be combined with the topological structure of the road network at the micro scale, enabling precise crime prediction at the street scale. However, existing approaches rarely consider the impact of road weights in model prediction. In this paper, a Road Weighted Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Network (RW-STGCN) is constructed for street crime prediction by introducing road network accessibility and distance attenuation factors, and the model is evaluated using street theft crime data of Chicago. The results show that: (1) Compared to the spatiotemporal graph convolutional networks without considering road weights, the hit rate of the RW-STGCN increases by more than 6.5% across various road network coverage ratios (1%, 5%, 10%, and 20%), and the increase becomes more significant as the coverage ratio decreases, with a maximum increase exceeding 50%. This indicates the effectiveness and superiority of the RW-STGCN for smaller units; (2) Model ablation experiments show that the hit rate of the RW-STGCN considering road weights increases by 13.5% compared to the model result without considering road weights, and the model considering both road weights has a more significant improvement in prediction performance than the model considering only a single factor of distance attenuation weight or road network access weight, with a maximum increase of 12.9% in hit rate. This suggests that deep learning methods combined with geographic features can effectively improve the accuracy of crime prediction. The RW-STGCN is helpful for street crime prediction and can provide auxiliary decision support for law enforcement agencies to conduct scientific patrol planning and police force deployment based on road networks. In addition, it is also useful for the study of road-related urban computing problems.
HE Rixing , TANG Zongdi , JIANG Chao , LIN Yan , LU Yumei , LI Xinran , LONG Wei , DENG Yue . A Graph Convolution-based Spatio-temporal Crime Prediction Model Considering Road Weights[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2023 , 25(10) : 1986 -1999 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.230299
表1 不同权重的模型变体Tab. 1 Model variants with different weights |
模型变体 | 道路距离权重 | 道路通达度权重 |
RW-STGCN-T | × | × |
RW-STGCN-S1 | √ | × |
RW-STGCN-S2 | × | √ |
RW-STGCN-SS | √ | √ |
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