Journal of Geo-information Science >
Rapid Monitoring of Tropical Forest Disturbance in Hainan Island Based on GEE Platform and LandTrendr Algorithm
Received date: 2022-09-14
Revised date: 2022-11-26
Online published: 2023-09-22
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42071418)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(32260391)
Scientific Research Project of Yunnan Provincial Department of Education(111722043/01117)
Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province(422CXTD527)
Earmarked Fund for Agricultural Basic Research System(CARS-33)
Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(BK20221337)
Tropical forests have significant economic and ecological value, and timely and accurate monitoring of forest disturbance is critical to promoting their sustainable development. In this study, all Landsat 5/7/8 and Sentinel-2 optical images since 1987 and the LandTrendr algorithm were used to monitor tropical forest disturbance in Hainan Island. The dense time-series satellite images were quickly processed on the Google Earth Engine platform (GEE), and the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of annual forest disturbances on Hainan Island over the past 30 years were identified. The main causes of forest disturbance were analyzed with the development of rubber plantations, changes in forestry policies, and several severe natural disasters. The results show that: 1) the total area of forest disturbance from 1990 to 2020 is 2.53×103 km2 (equivalent to 11.74% of the total forest area in 2020), and is mainly concentrated in the central, northern, and northwestern regions. The three regions with the largest forest disturbances are Danzhou City, Qiongzhong County, and Baisha County, respectively; 2) most forest disturbances occur at elevation below 300 m (83.40%) and slope less than 25° (94.86%), and forests at higher elevations are well preserved; 3) forest disturbance occurred more intensely between 2000 and 2010 and decreased significantly after 2010, with the largest affected area in 2005; 4) rapid development of rubber plantations (accounting for 43.48% of total forest disturbance area), changes in forestry policies (e.g., promotion of eucalyptus cultivation), and severe natural disasters (drought and hurricane) around 2005 are the main causes of forest disturbance. The rapid monitoring method of forest disturbance proposed in this study and long-term forest disturbance dataset provide a reference for forest monitoring research and forestry department decision making on Hainan Island.
YIN Xiong , CHEN Bangqian , GU Xiaowei , YUN Ting , WU Zhixiang , CHEN Yue , LAI Hongyan , KOU Weili . Rapid Monitoring of Tropical Forest Disturbance in Hainan Island Based on GEE Platform and LandTrendr Algorithm[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2023 , 25(10) : 2093 -2106 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.220691
表1 LandTrendr参数设置Tab.1 Parameters used in LandTrendr |
参数 | 参数描述 | 数值 |
maxSegments | 分割最大单元数目 | 8 |
spikeThreshold | 如果相邻时间点NBR值的差异百分比小于该值,那个该值会被认为是异常值,须剔除 | 0.90 |
vertexCountOvershoot | 在初始阶段的潜在节点回归中可以超过的节点数 | 0 |
preventOneYearRecovery | 是否阻止一年后恢复的情况 | True |
recoveryThreshold | 如果某个分割段的恢复率大于该值的倒数,那么这个分割段将会被移除 | 0.50 |
pvalThreshold | 回归分析中F检验的p值,超过该值的话,则认为该像元没有发生变化 | 0.05 |
bestModelProportion | 简单模型的选择规则,如果超过该值,则被选中 | 0.75 |
minObservationsNeeded | 拟合中需要的最少观测数 | 5 |
Magnitude | 发生扰动时植被指数掉落的振幅 | ≥0.17 |
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