Journal of Geo-information Science >
Prior Knowledge Guided Deep Learning for Monitoring Buildings and Greenhouses within Cultivated Land
Received date: 2023-06-06
Revised date: 2023-09-07
Online published: 2023-11-02
Supported by
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2021YCPY0113)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(52204190)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42271368)
Accurate and automated monitoring of the non-agriculturalization of cultivated land has important implications for upholding the arable land red line and ensuring sustainable socio-economic development. This paper proposes a deep learning method guided by prior knowledge to achieve precise monitoring of the illegal occupation of cultivated land by buildings and greenhouses, with the ultimate goal of issuing timely warnings. Firstly, the vector range and category attributes are obtained from the third national land survey database, serving as prior knowledge. Then, parcel-level segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing images is performed using the front-phase vector data of the cultivated land to locate detection areas. Next, the SRAM-SegFormer model, integrated with prior knowledge, is employed to extract potential non-agricultural patches. Finally, post-processing operations such as mosaic, reclassification, and overlay are performed to obtain final monitoring results of arable land non-agriculturalization. Taking the Peixian County in Xu Zhou City as the study area, the performance of common sematic segmentation networks, including Deeplabv3+, PSPNet, U-Net, HRNet, SegFormer, and SRAM-SegFormer, in extracting potential non-agricultural patches are compared. The results show that Deeplabv3+ and PSPNet are prone to omissions and false detections in complex areas; U-Net tends to miss large-scale buildings; HRNet exhibits irregular boundaries in extracted non-agricultural patches; SegFormer has poor extraction ability for small-scale buildings and greenhouses, and tends to merge buildings and greenhouses in densely populated areas; SRAM-SegFormer shows the best results, with the highest accuracy rate for Mean Pixel Accuracy (MPA) (84.30%), Mean Intersection-Over-Union (MIoU) (73.76%), and Overall Accuracy (OA) (97.91%), especially in extracting small-scale buildings and greenhouses. Therefore, the proposed method in this paper can achieve more efficient and automated monitoring of arable land non-agriculturalization.
TAN Min , LIN Huijing , HAO Ming . Prior Knowledge Guided Deep Learning for Monitoring Buildings and Greenhouses within Cultivated Land[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2023 , 25(11) : 2293 -2302 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.230315
表1 不同方法的潜在非农化图斑提取结果精度评价Tab. 1 Accuracy evaluation of the potential non-agricultural land extraction results by different methods (%) |
方法 | MPA | MIoU | OA |
Deeplabv3+ | 74.46 | 61.05 | 95.61 |
PSPNet | 76.54 | 64.53 | 96.00 |
U-Net | 76.56 | 66.38 | 96.84 |
HRNet | 79.19 | 64.33 | 96.26 |
SegFormer | 79.71 | 68.42 | 96.99 |
SRAM-SegFormer | 84.30 | 73.76 | 97.91 |
注:表中加粗数值表示表格中每一行的最佳值。 |
表2 消融实验精度评价结果Tab. 2 Accuracy evaluation results of ablation studies (%) |
方法 | MPA | MIoU | OA | ||
S1+SRAM | S2+SRAM | S3+SRAM | |||
√ | √ | √ | 84.30 | 73.76 | 97.91 |
× | × | √ | 82.44 | 72.00 | 97.85 |
× | √ | × | 83.98 | 71.79 | 97.76 |
√ | × | × | 80.94 | 70.50 | 97.73 |
× | × | × | 79.71 | 68.42 | 96.99 |
注:表中加粗数值表示表格中每一行的最佳值。 |
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