Journal of Geo-information Science >
The Machine Map and its Conceptual Model
Received date: 2022-10-27
Revised date: 2023-01-08
Online published: 2024-03-26
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42130112)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42271464)
The autonomous cognition ability of unmanned platforms in complex environments is a key issue that restricts their real-world applications and has become a research hotspot in cartography, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Although the research on environment modeling and learning for unmanned platforms has achieved substantial progress, these platforms still face problems maintaining robustness, adaptability, and continuous learning when leaving well-trained environments for real-world environments. Motivated by cartographic research, this paper reviews the research work from artificial intelligence, robotics, and cognitive science and proposes a novel environment cognition model of unmanned platforms, the machine map. We first rationalize the similarity between the machine map and the mental map with a brief review of the mental map for human spatial cognition and then summarizes the machine map's characteristics. Having reviewed the research findings on the cognitive mechanism of mental maps, we propose the conceptual model of the machine map that features an architecture of "two cycles and three composition maps." The architecture follows design principles drawn from the research on the core cognitive capabilities of artificial cognitive systems. As for the two cycles, the outer cycle demonstrates the machine map's function in an autonomous unmanned platform, while the inner cycle illustrates the key components and the operation logic among them. Motivated by the structure theory of a mental map, the machine map is modeled as a multi-store memory system that consists of a perception map, a working map, and a long-term map. The overall information processing procedure among these three composition maps is discussed to finalize the model design. The conceptual development of machine maps benefits from studying the mental map in cognitive research and the technical innovations in autonomous driving and robotics fields, such as High-Definition maps, SLAM, and BEV. The proposed conceptual model can serve as a top-level research framework and a route map for further research on machine maps. In the end, the paper suggests that the research of machine maps needs a two-way methodology. On the top level, the deductive reasoning of the conceptual model can promote the understanding of the connotation and architecture of machine maps. While on the bottom level, the continuous development of machine learning and artificial intelligence technology can mitigate the restrictions on the environmental cognitive ability of unmanned platforms, resulting in a continuous improvement of the technical framework of machine maps. The research on the machine map can improve the cognitive capabilities of autonomous unmanned platforms in complex environments and illuminate a new path for the development of cartography in the intelligent era. We hope this paper can raise interest in machine maps among the cartographic community and thus promote the development of this emerging field.
YOU Xiong , JIA Fenli , TIAN Jiangpeng , YANG Jian , LI Ke . The Machine Map and its Conceptual Model[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2024 , 26(1) : 25 -34 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.220837
表1 机器地图的基本定位与概念模型设计原则Tab. 1 Self-identify and conceptual model design principles of machine maps |
编号 | 要点 | 机器地图的目标与定位 | 设计原则 | 说明 | 参考文献 |
1 | 计算系统和生物启发之间的平衡 | 采用生物启发与计算系统相结合的技术途径 | 机器地图受心象地图启发而提出,且得益于机器人、人工智能、地图学的交叉融合 | - | |
2 | 生物模型的抽象水平 | 借鉴大脑所具有的存储及计算功能以及不同脑区共同完成空间认知的宏观组织模式,设计机器地图的基本构成(左图中红色边框四角星所示) | 空间认知本身涉及大脑的多个脑区与神经系统,且其机制尚未完全探明。因此借鉴心象地图的认知机理,核心在于宏观结构与功能借鉴 | [27] | |
3 | 大脑、身体和环境的相互依赖关系 | 机器地图中,无人平台所处的环境、所要完成的任务以及平台自身的特性构建了影响其行为的全局情境(左图中红色边框圆形所包围的内容),并需要依据全局情境推理计算可实施的行为及实现方式 | 具身认知理论认为一个系统的物理形态和运动能力对其理解世界的方式有直接影响。并且认为“身体”和环境在认知过程中起着构成而不是支持作用。因此无人平台能否自主完成空间认知任务,并不单一取决于无人平台的核心计算能力,而与无人平台的情境密切相关 | [36] | |
4 | 系统行为和采用机制之间的关系 | 机器地图的构建以无人平台环境认知行为的实现为主要目标,同时兼顾机理的探索与解释(左图中红色矩形所示) | 机器地图研究试图改变目前单纯通过传感器特征认知环境的模式,探索环境信息表征和持续自主学习方法,推动稳健、动态与可信的机器环境认知系统的构建,促进其在相关领域的深度应用。同时探索无人平台实现环境认知的机理,以期为人的空间认知机理提供参考与借鉴 | [27] |
表2 机器地图与其他相关工作的比较细则Tab. 2 Detailed items for comparison between machine maps and other related works |
比较项 | 电子导航地图 | SLAM | BEV | 高精地图 | 机器地图 | |
主体 | 制图主体 | 人类 | 无人平台 | 无人平台 | 人工主导 | 无人平台 |
用图主体 | 人类 | 无人平台 | 无人平台 | 无人平台 | 无人平台 | |
地图 模型 | 空间精度 | 低 | 高 | 高 | 超高 | 高 |
要素抽象度 | 高 | 低 | 低 | 高 | 高 | |
逻辑结构 | 导航要素、拓扑结构 | 栅格、特征、拓扑 | 栅格、特征、拓扑 | 静态、动态和用户层 | 感知、工作和长时地图 | |
建模 模式 | 建模逻辑 | 制用分离 | 测制用一体 | 测用一体 | 测制用分离 | 测制用一体 |
实时性 | 低 | 高 | 高 | 动态层高,静态和用户层低 | 高 | |
自主性 | 自主等级 | 低 | 有条件自主 | 有条件自主 | 有条件自主 | 完全自主 |
记忆能力 | 无 | 短时记忆 | 短时记忆 | 短时记忆 | 短时记忆、工作记忆和长时记忆 | |
空间注意力 | 人脑注意 | 无 | 特征注意力 | 无 | 全局注意力 | |
学习能力 | 人脑学习 | 误差优化 | 学习目标优化 | 低 | 持续自主学习 | |
功能作用 | 导航 | 定位、制图 | 定位、导航 | 导航、自动驾驶 | 空间引导 空间决策 |
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