Journal of Geo-information Science >
A Dialectical Examination of Geo-information Science in the Field of Tourism and Recreation
Received date: 2024-01-11
Revised date: 2024-02-04
Online published: 2024-03-27
Supported by
National Social Science Fundation of China(21ATY001)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42071199)
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2022YB016)
Tourism and leisure have become important aspects of modern life, enhancing the quality of life through recreational activities. However, the development of tourism and leisure is characterized by imbalances and deficiencies that need immediate attention. Geo-information Science provides a spatial analytical framework and methods for studying tourism and leisure. Additionally, the rapid advancement of big data technology has facilitated the widespread application and interest in Geo-information Science in the field of tourism and leisure. This article aims to critically review the current state of research, disciplinary contributions, limitations, and future directions of Geo-Information Science in the field of tourism and leisure. To achieve this objective, we conducted interviews with representative scholars from various fields such as tourism management, Geo-information Science, and geography to gather their insights. Through interviews with twelve experts, we found that one of the major contributions of Geo-information Science to tourism and leisure research is the integration of spatial thinking, including the spatial and temporal dimensions. On one hand, by emphasizing the importance of space, Geo-information Science allows for a deeper understanding of how the geographical environment influences tourist behavior and decision-making processes. Analytical techniques such as spatial analysis, geographic visualization, and spatial modeling offer technical opportunities for valuable insights into various aspects of tourism, including the spatial behavior of tourists, distribution patterns, and the utilization of tourism resources. On the other hand, the use of Geo-information Science rooted in spatiotemporal cognitive logic helps in understanding the generation and evolution of tourism patterns. This approach can analyze changes and impacts of tourism processes at different time and spatial scales, revealing underlying behavioral mechanisms, spatial-temporal distribution patterns of tourist attractions, and temporal trends in the tourism market. However, challenges remain in interpreting research findings, integrating data from multiple sources, and promoting interdisciplinary exchanges. Addressing these challenges requires further exploration and research from scholars. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize the tremendous potential of Geo-information Science in future applications in the field of tourism and leisure. In the era of Artificial Intelligence 2.0, the integration and breakthroughs in combining 3D GIS with human sensory devices, enhancing decision-making abilities through spatiotemporal modeling technologies, the integration of AIGC with Geo-information Science technologies, and the automatic generation of multidimensional virtual spaces all hold exciting prospects. This study aims to provide guidance for the fusion of Geo-information Science with tourism and leisure research and anticipate future directions in this field. By addressing current limitations and exploring future directions, researchers can further enhance our understanding of these fields and contribute to their sustainable development.
JIANG Yiyi , DENG Ning , GAO Bingbo , LI Yuan , LI Yunpeng , LIU Yi , LIU Zhenhuan , MOU Naixia , PENG Peng , TANG Chengcai , ZHANG Honglei , ZHANG Xiang , XU Haibin . A Dialectical Examination of Geo-information Science in the Field of Tourism and Recreation[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2024 , 26(2) : 227 -241 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.240023
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