Journal of Geo-information Science >
Research Progress and Prospects on the Applications of Theories and Methods in Network Science to Tourism Domains
Received date: 2023-06-27
Revised date: 2023-07-20
Online published: 2024-03-27
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41830645)
Network science provides abstract models for analyzing complex phenomena in the real world. With the support of network science theories and methods, researchers are able to explore the dynamic relationship between research objects in tourism domains from a more systematic perspective. This unique viewpoint is of great significance for further understanding the operation rules of tourism and promoting the balanced and sustainable development of related industries. With the digitalization of tourism, tourism information has become more flexible and scalable, which has significantly increased the applicability of network science theories and methods in tourism domains. Against this background, research on the applications of network science theories and methods in tourism domains has received extensive attention in recent years. In view of this, this paper systematically reviews the published articles related to the applications of network science theories and methods in tourism domains and summarizes the main research contents through a multi-scale perspective. Specifically, this paper first outlines the backgrounds of related theoretical foundations and application scenarios. The most common types of tourism networks, including interpersonal networks, tourist flow networks, economic networks, etc., are summarized through a "node-edge" structure. Important concepts and terms in network science, especially the differences and relations between complex networks and social networks as two "research paradigms", are also highlighted. Following that, this paper summarizes the progress of the applications of network science theories and methods in tourism domains at different scales of observation (i.e., microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic). Among these scales, the microscopic scale focuses on the interactive properties of tourism actors, the mesoscopic scale is often used to describe the aggregation phenomena of tourism actors, and the macroscopic scale focuses on the global topological structural features of the tourism actor networks in tourism domains. Common methods or measures in network science, such as centrality, structural holes, community/cohesive subgroups, core-periphery structure, small worlds, and scale-free effect are also introduced. Based on the review of the research progress, this paper identifies the research problems in current research, including reliability deficiencies in the research data, negligence of multi-scale phenomena, interpretability challenges in the research results, and lack of highlighting theoretical contributions in tourism domains. The aim of this paper is to review the research literature on applications of network science theories and methods in tourism domains from the perspective of research practice, in order to effectively present the substance and compatibility of research at the intersection of network science and tourism.
ZHENG Yunhao , ZHANG Yi , MOU Naixia , JIANG Qi , LIU Yu . Research Progress and Prospects on the Applications of Theories and Methods in Network Science to Tourism Domains[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2024 , 26(2) : 259 -273 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.230354
表1 学术研究中常见的旅游领域网络示例Tab. 1 Examples of tourism network in academic research |
网络类型 | 节点表达 | 边表达 | 研究侧重点 |
旅游人际网络 | 旅游者、旅游从业者、居民等旅游业参与人 | 人际交往行为 | 从微观的人际关系层面为推动旅游业和平稳定发展提供精细化建议[18-19] |
旅游客流网络 | 旅游相关场所(如景点、餐馆、酒店等)、旅游目的地 | 人群移动行为 | 从地理空间视角探索游客需求,为目的地的旅游规划与营销提供依据[20-21] |
旅游竞合网络 | 任何类型的旅游利益相关者 | 特定类型的社会经济行为,多为同类型利益相关者间的 | 从市场的视角揭示旅游业的行业规律/规则,为提高目的地旅游市场竞争力提供建议[22⇓-24] |
旅游经济网络 | 多为旅游目的地(如城市、地区乃至国家) | 与旅游业发展相关的经济联系 | 从经济学视角分析目的地间的旅游经济联系,为优化区域旅游业布局、推动旅游业一体化发展提依据[25-26] |
旅游政策网络 | 任何类型的旅游利益主体 | 任何与利益交互相关的正式或非正式联系,主要强调不同类型利益主体间的 | 从宏观层面理清旅游业运行涉及的利益“纠葛”,提供更为具体化的政策建议[27⇓-29] |
旅游链接网络 | 与旅游(业务)相关的网站、网页等 | 多为网页或网站之间的超链接关系 | 从互联网的视角探索旅游信息流的传播,为加强旅游网站建设、促进目的地的旅游宣传、提高游客的满意度提供建议[30-31] |
…… | …… | …… | …… |
表2 旅游领域研究场景中的网络尺度Tab. 2 Summary of network scales in tourism research scenarios |
网络尺度 | 研究侧重点 | 主要理论或方法 | 常见应用研究内容 |
微观(Microscopic) | 关注于目标旅游行动者的局部交互属性 | 中心性、结构洞、局部聚类系数等 | 旅游行动者的角色定位、重要性分级、动态变化分析、竞合关系评估等 |
介观(Mesoscopic) | 关注于旅游行动者群体性行为形成的聚集现象 | 社区/凝聚子群、核心-边缘结构等 | 旅游空间或旅游功能区的地理划分、旅游利益相关团体的识别、行动者集散结构提取等 |
宏观(Macroscopic) | 关注于旅游行动者网络的全局拓扑结构特征 | 网络的无标度与小世界特性、网络密度、中心势等 | 旅游交互的异质性分析、过度旅游现象揭示、旅游者的旅行自由度评估等 |
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