Journal of Geo-information Science >
Street Space Visual Quality Evaluation Method of Tourism Sites Based on Street View Images
Received date: 2022-06-12
Revised date: 2022-08-06
Online published: 2024-03-27
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42171219)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(52078444)
Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province(2020J01011)
Street space is the main space that affects tourists' experience of tourism sites. The visual quality of street space is crucial to the development of tourism. However, the evaluation method of visual quality needs further exploration. This paper selected Gulangyu, the famous tourism site in Xiamen, as a study case. First, we established a quantitative model of visual quality combining the existing research on street space and the visual elements of tourism sites. Then, we collected street view data of each intersection by traveling like tourists, corrected imaging parameters, and encoded the street view images. Second, based on the deep learning method (Fully Convolutional Networks, FCN), we segmented the collected street view images semantically and extracted the visual elements in street view data. Finally, by combining with GIS, we set up a geographic information database to analyze the visual and spatial characteristics of each sampling point's visual elements. This database was aimed at providing a basis for further evaluation of the visual quality of street space. It was aggregated using the street line as the smallest unit. In our study, we calculated the visual quality indicators to evaluate the street space in Gulangyu. The results show that: (1) There is obvious spatial differentiation in the visual elements of street space in Gulangyu; (2) Building density, street width, and vegetation sketches are the basic visual elements that shape the visual quality of street space; (3) The distribution of botanical parks, major docks, and commercial facilities significantly impacts the street space's visual quality. In detail, green plants, buildings, roads, sky, and street facilities show the differences between a center and a roundabout. While the distribution of pedestrians shows differences between the east and the west. The green view rate, enclosure, sky openness, and diversity of street space also have obvious center-roundabout spatial differentiation. Moreover, there is an obvious spatial agglomeration effect in the green view rate, crowding degree, and diversity of street space. The agglomeration points are mainly parks, docks, and commercial streets. The method in this paper provides a new collection method in street visual quality evaluation. The visual element extraction accuracy based on FCN is fairly high, which can provide a reference for street view images and other types of image data analysis. This paper provides a valuable reference for street space management and planning, resource integration and allocation, human flow guidance, and regulation in tourism sites.
HUANG Jingxiong , LIANG Jiaqi , YANG Mengsheng , LI Yuan . Street Space Visual Quality Evaluation Method of Tourism Sites Based on Street View Images[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2024 , 26(2) : 352 -366 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.220404
表1 现有研究涉及的街道空间视觉品质评价指标Tab. 1 Evaluation indicators on street visual quality from existing research |
相关研究 | 评价指标 | 涉及视觉要素 |
韩君伟和董靓[32] | 视觉熵、色彩丰富指数、街道宽度、沿街建筑高度、天际线变化指数、天空开阔指数 | 天空、建筑、机动车道、非机动车道、街道设施 |
周韬等[34] | 贴线率、天空占有率、建筑占有率、绿化占有率 | 绿植、天空、建筑 |
Tang和Long[35] | 墙面连续性、交叉口横截面宽高比、绿化占有率、天空开敞度、围合度 | 绿植、天空、建筑、机动车道、非机动车道、街道设施、交通工具、行人 |
Ye等[33] | 绿色视觉、天空视野、建筑界面、步行空间、机动化程度、多样性 | 绿植、天空、建筑、机动车道、非机动车道、街道设施 |
郑屹和杨俊宴[31] | 绿色视觉指数、天空开敞指数、色彩氛围指数、色彩丰富指数 | 绿植、天空、建筑、墙壁、地形、车辆、机动车道、步行道、街道设施、行人 |
Ma等[36] | 绿视率、天空开敞度、围合度、可步行度、可意向性 | 绿植、天空、建筑、车行道、步行道、道路铺装、标志物 |
Qiu等[37] | 围合度、空间尺度、复杂度、可意向性 | 绿植、建筑、墙壁、道路铺装、标志物、街道设施 |
表2 旅游地街道空间视觉品质评价指标Tab. 2 Visual quality evaluation indicators of street space in tourism sites |
评价指标 | 视觉要素 | 计算公式 | 公式编号 |
绿视率 | 绿植 | (1) | |
围合度 | 建筑、墙、绿植、道路 | (2) | |
天空开敞度 | 天空 | (3) | |
拥挤程度 | 人 | (4) | |
多样性 | 店招、顶棚等其它设施 | (5) |
注: 为街景图像的绿视率; 为图像中识别为树木、草地、植物等绿植像素的比例,其总和表示每幅街景图像中绿植像素的总数; 为街景图像的围合度; 为图像中建筑(墙)像素的比例; 为图像中道路像素的比例,表征围合度是识别为建筑(墙)和绿植像素面域的占比与识别为道路像素面域的占比的比值; 为街景图像的天空开敞度; 为图像中识别为天空像素的比例,其总和表示每幅街景图像中天空像素的总数; 为街景图像表征场景的拥挤程度; 为图像中识别为人的像素的比例,其总和表示每幅街景图像中人像素的总数; 为街景图像的多样性, 、 是包括店招、顶棚等在内的所有被识别的街道设施所占的面域像素的比例,其总和表示每幅街景图像中街道设施像素的总数;为每幅街景图像的像素总数。 |
表3 视觉要素识别准确度验证结果Tab. 3 Visual segmentation accuracy validation (%) |
编码 | 实景图像 | 目视解译 | 程序判别 / 目视判别 (结果差异) | |||
绿植 | 天空 | 道路 | 建筑 | |||
6-N | ![]() | ![]() | 35.52 / 38.75 (3.23) | 21.02 / 22.87 (1.85) | 32.36 / 35.07 (2.71) | 2.28 / 0.00 (-2.28) |
11-E | ![]() | ![]() | 20.07 / 20.77 (0.70) | 32.79 / 34.44 (1.65) | 22.39 / 28.15 (5.79) | 10.16 / 8.09 (-2.07) |
36-S | ![]() | ![]() | 4.33 / 7.70 (3.37) | 8.13 / 8.72 (0.59) | 25.34 / 32.00 (6.66) | 38.96 / 35.47 (-3.49) |
38-S | ![]() | ![]() | 42.26 / 47.12 (4.86) | 19.69 / 19.96 (0.27) | 25.40 / 22.06 (-3.34) | 1.52 / 0.00 (-1.52) |
94-S | ![]() | ![]() | 26.07 / 26.33 (0.26) | 24.18 / 25.66 (1.48) | 19.54 / 20.33 (0.79) | 4.11 / 2.89 (-1.22) |
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