Journal of Geo-information Science >
Research on Data Model Construction and Management Service Methods for Scientific Ocean Drilling Considering the Whole Lifecycle
Received date: 2023-07-01
Revised date: 2023-12-11
Online published: 2024-03-31
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42371464)
Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province(KYCX23_1709)
Scientific Ocean Drilling is a large-scale and long-standing international collaborative project in Earth sciences. Over the past 50 years, the program has carried out more than 300 expeditions and acquired a large amount of scientific data. The data exhibit typical characteristics of big scientific data, such as complex sources, diverse storage formats, and varied data structures. Currently, earth science has entered the fourth paradigm of data-driven scientific discovery. Effective organization and management of data, as well as enhanced data integration and services, are important foundational requirements for utilizing scientific ocean drilling data for data-driven Earth science discoveries. Existing scientific ocean drilling databases were established at an early stage, featuring relatively simple data retrieval capabilities and a lack of integrated and diverse data-processing tools. This poses challenges to the unified management, effective integration, efficient scheduling, extensive sharing, and comprehensive utilization of data. In response to these problems, firstly, the issues and requirements of scientific ocean drilling data organization and modeling are thoroughly analyzed. The process of generating scientific ocean drilling data, considering the whole lifecycle, was analyzed for organizing multi-source heterogeneous data. Then, based on the information expression system with elements of time, place, character, object, event, phenomenon, and scene, dimensions of semantic, spatial location, geometric structure, attribute, interrelationship, evolution process, and mechanism of interpretation from the perspective of geography, a scientific ocean drilling data model was constructed, taking into account the entire lifecycle of drilling data. Building upon this foundation, a framework for the scientific ocean drilling data integration and service application was proposed, encompassing data management, data querying, and thematic mapping. To optimize storage space and improve query efficiency, the storage implementation based on object-relational database and Elasticsearch was completed, following the concept of data cold-hot separation. To meet diversified data acquisition needs, a data retrieval approach with elemental on-demand query and multi-modal result integration was proposed. To better visualize the data, a customizable and configurable thematic mapping method was implemented. Based on these methods, a verification platform with the aforementioned capabilities was developed. The scientific ocean drilling data of Exp349, Exp367, and Exp368 in the South China Sea were used as examples to validate the feasibility of the methods and the usability of the platform. The research findings provide methodological references for organizing scientific ocean drilling data and serve as a reference for the efficient management and application of big scientific data.
SUN Haoyang , LIN Bingxian , ZHOU Liangchen , LV Guonian . Research on Data Model Construction and Management Service Methods for Scientific Ocean Drilling Considering the Whole Lifecycle[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2024 , 26(3) : 638 -653 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.230361
表1 本平台与现有数据库平台的数据组织、查询和展示能力对比Tab. 1 Comparison of data organization, query and presentation capabilities between platforms |
能力分析 | 能力对比 | |||||||
Ⅰ | Ⅱ | Ⅲ | Ⅳ | Ⅴ | Ⅵ | |||
数据组织 | Ⅰ 提供由“决心号”钻探平台获取的岩芯数据,以数据库形式组织,以312航次为界,存在2种数据组织形式 Ⅱ 提供由“地球号”钻探平台获取的岩芯数据,以文件形式组织,内容不如LIMS完备 Ⅲ 提供特定任务平台获取的岩芯数据,对沉积学、古生物学等学科的数据组织更为完备 Ⅳ 提供部分开展测井工作的站位测井数据 Ⅴ 以元数据的形式对不同数据库间数据进行关联,但数据内容和精度相对较低 Ⅵ 数据模型能够支持不同平台、不同平台的钻井、测井与录井等数据的组织,具有较强的拓展能力。但有待进行数据的汇编 | □ | △ | △ | △ | □ | ○ | |
查询方式 | Ⅰ 按数据类型与航次号、钻孔号、岩芯段等信息组合检索 Ⅱ 按航次号进行检索,不支持数据类型检索 Ⅲ 按钻孔号、数据类型、时间等组合检索 Ⅳ 按项目号、航次号、钻孔号、所属大洋、数据类型等检索 Ⅴ 按航次号、钻孔号、所属大洋、坐标范围等检索,支持自然语言查询与地图空间查询 Ⅵ 支持自然语言查询、地图空间查询、时间轴选择、航次信息查询,支持对属性进行复合条件检索,支持多模式条件的整合 | □ | △ | △ | □ | ○ | ○ | |
展示形式 | Ⅰ 以列表的形式提供预览,并支持数据文件下载,提供在线数据图形化可视能力,但支持模板有限 Ⅱ 以文件形式提供数据下载 Ⅲ 以列表的形式提供预览,并支持数据文件下载,以地图形式对钻孔点位进行展示 Ⅳ 以文件形式提供数据下载 Ⅴ 以文件形式提供数据下载 Ⅵ 以地图形式展示钻孔位置,以列表形式展示钻井数据与岩芯数据,以三维钻孔模型展示地层分布,以知识图谱展示关联关系,以可定制可配置的岩芯图进行图形化展示 | □ | △ | □ | △ | △ | ○ |
注:代号与数据库平台的对应关系:Ⅰ—LIMS、Ⅱ—J-CORES、Ⅲ—MSP数据库、Ⅳ—测井数据库、Ⅴ—SEDIS、Ⅵ—本平台;能力对比的符号含义:○—完备/丰富;□—较完备/较丰富;△—中等。 |
本研究获得“深时数字地球”(Deep-time Digital Earth, DDE)国际大科学计划的支持。
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