地球信息科学学报  2017 , 19 (12): 1623-1633 https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01623



林齐根, 刘燕仪, 刘连友, 王瑛*

1. 北京师范大学 环境演变与自然灾害教育部重点实验室,北京 100875
2. 北京师范大学减灾与应急管理研究院,北京 100875

Earthquake-triggered Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Based on Support Vector Machine Combined with Newmark Displacement Model

LIN Qigen, LIU Yanyi, LIU Lianyou, WANG Ying*

1. Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster of Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
2. Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

通讯作者:  *通讯作者:王 瑛(1974-),女,云南曲靖人,教授,研究方向为灾害风险评估和灾后恢复。E-mail: wy@bnu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2017-07-21

修回日期:  2017-08-31

网络出版日期:  2017-12-25

版权声明:  2017 《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41271544)地表过程模型与模拟创新研究群体科学基金(41621061)国家重点研发计划专项项目(2016YFA0602403)


作者简介:林齐根(1991-),男,广东汕头人,博士生,研究方向为灾害风险评估模型。E-mail: linqigen@mail.bnu.edu.cn




关键词: 滑坡易发性评估 ; 地震滑坡 ; 机器学习 ; 支持向量机 ; Newmark位移模型


The Newmark displacement model is a common physically based model for earthquake induced landslide susceptibility mapping. The machine learning model is one of the statistical methods and is increasingly applied to landslide susceptibility mapping in recent years. The main purpose of this paper is to combine the Newmark displacement method with machine learning model for developing a mechanism-based earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility model and improving the predictive accuracy. The support vector machine (SVM) method was selected and eight thematic data layers, including landslide inventory, topographic relief, slope, curvature, Newmark displacement value, distance from faults, distance from drainages and distance from roads, were prepared in GIS. A total of 1,900 landslides were subsequently randomly divided into two subsets: a training subset comprising 70% of the landslides and a validation subset containing the remaining 30%. The model is then applied to Wenchuan County, which was one of the most severely affected areas during the May 12, 2008 (Mw 7.9) Wenchuan earthquake in China. The model performance was evaluated using the receiver operation characteristic (ROC) curve and the model estimation uncertainty in comparison with the other two statistical methods: frequency ratio (FR) bivariate statistical model and the logistic regression (LR) multivariate statistical model. The results show that five variables including topographic relief, Newmark displacement value, distance from faults, distance from drainages and distance from roads are finally selected based on a significance level of 0.05 and the multi-collinearity detection. The values of the area under the ROC curve (AUC) demonstrate that the SVM model exhibited the highest accuracy for the training and validation data sets with AUC values of 0.876 and 0.851, respectively, followed by the LR model (AUC values of 0.836 and 0.842 for training and validation, respectively) and FR model (AUC values of 0.844 and 0.808 for training and validation, respectively). For the evaluation of the model prediction uncertainties, the pixels classified as high susceptibility (probability ≥ 0.75) and low susceptibility (probability < 0.25) are more valuable and practical, both of which have high reliability to determine whether the location is stable. The prediction variation is low for pixels classified as high susceptibility and low susceptibility (with an average of the standard deviation less than 0.05), indicating that the SVM and LR models consistently identified these pixels as stable or unstable. Furthermore, these high and low susceptibility pixels account for about 70% of all pixels for the SVM model, which is about 25% higher than that of LR model. It means that the SVM model performs better than the LR model in these high reliability pixels. For the pixels classified as intermediate susceptibility (probability 0.25 ~ 0.75), the standard deviation of the predictive probability of the SVM model is about 0.09, which is larger than that of the LR model. It indicates that the SVM model exhibited larger uncertainty than the LR model in these intermediate susceptibility pixels. However, it is difficult to determine whether these pixels are stable or not. Also, the pixels with intermediate susceptibility only account for about 30% of the total samples for the SVM model. In general, the SVM model combined with the Newmark displacement method outperform the LR model in accuracy and uncertainty evaluation. The proposed method was applied to produce the earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility map of Wenchuan County. The comparison of landslide susceptibility map and actual landslide distribution showed that the high susceptibility areas can account for about 80.4% of the actual landslides. This indicates that the combination of support vector machine and the Newmark displacement method has a higher predictive value. The proposed method can potentially help risk assessment and effective management of landslides caused by earthquakes.

Keywords: landslide susceptibility assessment ; earthquake-triggered landslides ; machine learning ; support vector machine ; Newmark displacement model


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林齐根, 刘燕仪, 刘连友, 王瑛. 支持向量机与Newmark模型结合的地震滑坡易发性评估研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017, 19(12): 1623-1633 https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01623

LIN Qigen, LIU Yanyi, LIU Lianyou, WANG Ying. Earthquake-triggered Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Based on Support Vector Machine Combined with Newmark Displacement Model[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017, 19(12): 1623-1633 https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01623

1 引言





2 研究区概况与数据源

2.1 研究区概况

汶川县位于2008年汶川地震震中,是汶川地震极重灾区(图1)。地势北高东南低,海拔高度为787~6204 m。地形陡峭,县内平均坡度为32.1°,最大坡度为84.4°。年平均降水量约1200 mm,雨季经常在7-9月。主要水系岷江由于侵蚀率较高,形成高深峡谷,东北部为活跃断层区龙门山断裂带[32]。汶川县的地层岩性主要包括位于河谷地区的前震旦系、泥盆系、三叠系、志留系、第四纪坡积和残坡积物、凝灰岩、砂岩、灰岩、粉砂岩夹页岩和煤层等,此外还分布有千枚岩夹灰岩、花岗岩;汶川县西部的自然保护区及岷江东部的高山区地层基岩为晋宁期花岗岩、志留系千枚岩夹砂质灰岩、泥盆系灰岩等。汶川县地层岩性变化大,岩体工程地质特性在空间上变化复杂,以第四系松散地层及强风化岩浆岩为代表的软弱土体分布广泛,为汶川县地质灾害的发育提供了基本条件。

图1   研究区的位置

Fig. 1   The location of the study area

2.2 数据源


图2   地震滑坡影响因素分布图

Fig. 2   Map of landslide inventory and the influencing factors

3 研究方法

3.1 支持向量机模型

支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)是基于统计学习理论的监督学习方法[34]。支持向量机能够在样本较少的情况下比较好的解决非线性及高维模式识别问题,已经被广泛应用于滑坡易发性评估研究中[18-20]。Yao等[18]对支持向量机模型应用于滑坡易发性评估建模有详细的介绍,其过程总结如下:

给定一些线性可分的数据点xii=1, 2,…,n),它们分别属于2个不同的类yi=±1。支持向量机的目标是要在n维的数据空间中找到一个可以基于最大间隔将2类数据分开的超平面(hyper plane),如 式(1)所示。











其中,引入v(0,1]以考虑误分类的情况。此外,Vapnik引入核函数Kxi, xj)以解释非线性决策边界的问题[34]





3.2 Newmark位移模型



式中:Dn为Newmark位移值;Ia为地震强度数据; ac为临界加速度。





式中:Fs为静态安全系数;g为重力加速度; β为边坡坡面倾角。

3.3 地震滑坡的影响因素



地形数据来自SRTM 30 m分辨率的DEM数据。基于30 m分辨率的DEM数据,利用ArcGIS空间分析模块可以分别计算地形起伏度、坡度和地形曲率,如图2(d)-(f)所示。水系网络利用ArcGIS水文分析模块生成,道路网络从星球地图出版社 1:35 000道路图集数字化,利用ArcGIS欧氏距离工具可以分别计算出距水系距离、距道路距离和距构造断裂带距离,如图2(g)-(i)所示。据此,可以得到6个地震滑坡影响因素分布图。

3.4 模型结果评估方法







式中:P为因变量,是自变量因子相对于某一事件的发生概率,取值范围为[0, 1];xii=1, 2,…, k)是自变量因子,是影响事件发生的因素;k为自变量个数; βi是偏回归系数,反映自变量因子xiP的影响程度大小。


采用ROC曲线、混淆矩阵和模型不确定性对 3类统计模型分别与Newmark模型结合进行地震滑坡易发性制图的效果进行评估。ROC曲线通过绘制不同易发性阈值处的真实阳性率和假阳性率来计算模型预测的拟合优度。ROC曲线下的面积(AUC)范围为0.5~1,较高的值表示模型预测能力更好。AUC值小于0.7表示预测效果较差,0.7~0.8表示预测效果中等,0.8~0.9表示预测效果较好,0.9以上表示预测效果非常好[42]


4 结果和讨论

4.1 地震滑坡影响因素分析


图3   滑坡分布与地震烈度、各影响因素的关系

Fig. 3   The relationship among the landslide distribution, the seismic intensity and the influencing factors

表1的结果显示,坡度和地形曲率因素的Sig. 值大于0.05,没有通过显著性检验。分析坡度和地形曲率因素没有通过显著性检验的原因,可能因为研究区范围较大,坡度和地形曲率均为微观地形因子,对地形的描述不如宏观地形因子地形起伏度。Newmark位移、地形起伏度、距断裂带距离、距水系距离和距道路距离5个影响因素通过检验。从VIF值可以看出,这5个影响因素之间没有存在多重共线性。因此,将Newmark位移、地形起伏度、距断裂带距离、距水系距离和距道路距离5个影响因素引入支持向量机、频率比和Logistic回归模型,进行地震滑坡易发性评估建模。

表1   逐步Logistic回归模型和VIF多重共线性检验结果

Tab. 1   Results of stepwise logistic regression model and the VIF detection

影响因素CoefficientsStd. ErrorSig.VIF


4.2 地震滑坡易发性模型结果评估


图4   训练模型和验证模型的ROC曲线和AUC值

Fig. 4   ROC curves and the AUC values for training models and validation models



图5   模型不确定性评估

Fig. 5   Model uncertainty evaluation

表2   模型不确定性评估结果

Tab. 2   Results of model uncertainty evaluation





图6   汶川县地震滑坡易发性分布图

Fig. 6   Earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility map of Wenchuan County

表3   各易发性级别滑坡分布

Tab. 3   Distribution of landslide in each susceptibility level



5 结论





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Landslides caused by earthquakes

[J]. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1984,95(4):406-421.

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Regression models for estimating coseismic landslide displacement

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2007.01.013      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Newmark's sliding-block model is widely used to estimate coseismic slope performance. Early efforts to develop simple regression models to estimate Newmark displacement were based on analysis of the small number of strong-motion records then available. The current availability of a much larger set of strong-motion records dictates that these regression equations be updated. Regression equations were generated using data derived from a collection of 2270 strong-motion records from 30 worldwide earthquakes. The regression equations predict Newmark displacement in terms of (1) critical acceleration ratio, (2) critical acceleration ratio and earthquake magnitude, (3) Arias intensity and critical acceleration, and (4) Arias intensity and critical acceleration ratio. These equations are well constrained and fit the data well (71% < R 2 < 88%), but they have standard deviations of about 0.5 log units, such that the range defined by the mean 卤 one standard deviation spans about an order of magnitude. These regression models, therefore, are not recommended for use in site-specific design, but rather for regional-scale seismic landslide hazard mapping or for rapid preliminary screening of sites.
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The May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake of China (Mw 7.9 or Ms 8.0) triggered hundreds of thousands of landslides. Mapping such a large number of landslides is a major task, considering the large size of
[4] 黄润秋.



URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<FONT face=Verdana>汶川8.0级地震由于地震震级高、持续时间长、震区地形地质环境复杂,因而所触发的崩塌、滑坡不仅数量巨大,而且成因机制也极为复杂,具有与通常重力环境下斜坡失稳机制迥异的特征,许多现象非常特殊并超越了人们过去的认识。通过现场调查,发现强震触发崩滑灾害具有以下特殊的动力过程,即独特的震动溃裂现象,特殊的溃滑失稳机制,超强的动力特性和大规模的高速抛射与远程运动,大量山体震裂松动等。为此,定义了若干新的词语,如震裂、溃滑、溃崩、抛射等来描述这些独特的动力过程,并在此基础上,结合具体斜坡结构,提出了对汶川地震触发崩塌、滑坡成因机制的分类体系,这一体系包括五大类、14种类型。重点分析了一些典型类型斜坡失稳的发生过程,地质力学机制及相应的“概念模型”,尤其是与大型滑坡发生最为密切的溃滑型滑坡的发生过程及动力机制,初步较为系统的揭示了汶川8.0级地震触发地质灾害的成因机制、地质模式和动力特征。</FONT>

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Mechanism and geo-mechanical modes of landslide hazards triggered by Wenchuan 8.0 Earthquake

[J]. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2009,28(6):1239-1249. ]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<FONT face=Verdana>汶川8.0级地震由于地震震级高、持续时间长、震区地形地质环境复杂,因而所触发的崩塌、滑坡不仅数量巨大,而且成因机制也极为复杂,具有与通常重力环境下斜坡失稳机制迥异的特征,许多现象非常特殊并超越了人们过去的认识。通过现场调查,发现强震触发崩滑灾害具有以下特殊的动力过程,即独特的震动溃裂现象,特殊的溃滑失稳机制,超强的动力特性和大规模的高速抛射与远程运动,大量山体震裂松动等。为此,定义了若干新的词语,如震裂、溃滑、溃崩、抛射等来描述这些独特的动力过程,并在此基础上,结合具体斜坡结构,提出了对汶川地震触发崩塌、滑坡成因机制的分类体系,这一体系包括五大类、14种类型。重点分析了一些典型类型斜坡失稳的发生过程,地质力学机制及相应的“概念模型”,尤其是与大型滑坡发生最为密切的溃滑型滑坡的发生过程及动力机制,初步较为系统的揭示了汶川8.0级地震触发地质灾害的成因机制、地质模式和动力特征。</FONT>
[5] Yin Y, Wang F, Sun P.

Landslide hazards triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China

[J]. Landslides, 2009,6(2):139-152.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-009-0148-5      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Ms=8.0; epicenter located at 31.0°N, 103.4°E), with a focal depth of 19.0 km was triggered by the reactivation of the Longmenshan fault in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China on 12 May 2008. This earthquake directly caused more than 15,000 geohazards in the form of landslides, rockfalls, and debris flows which resulted in about 20,000 deaths. It also caused mo...
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Landslide risk assessment and management: an overview

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https://doi.org/10.1016/S0013-7952(01)00093-X      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article reviews recent advances in landslide risk assessment and management, and discusses the applicability of a variety of approaches to assessing landslide risk. Firstly, a framework for landslide risk assessment and management by which landslide risk can be reduced is proposed. This is followed by a critical review of the current state of research on assessing the probability of landsliding, runout behavior, and vulnerability. Effective management strategies for reducing economic and social losses due to landslides are described. Problems in landslide risk assessment and management are also examined.
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Recommendations for the quantitative analysis of landslide risk

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https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-013-0538-8      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper presents recommended methodologies for the quantitative analysis of landslide hazard, vulnerability and risk at different spatial scales (site-specific, local, regional and national), as well as for the verification and validation of the results. The methodologies described focus on the evaluation of the probabilities of occurrence of different landslide types with certain characteristics. Methods used to determine the spatial distribution of landslide intensity, the characterisation of the elements at risk, the assessment of the potential degree of damage and the quantification of the vulnerability of the elements at risk, and those used to perform the quantitative risk analysis are also described. The paper is intended for use by scientists and practising engineers, geologists and other landslide experts.
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Landslide susceptibility mapping using GIS-based weighted linear combination, the case in Tsugawa area of Agano River, Niigata Prefecture, Japan

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https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-003-0006-9      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A spatial database of 791 landslides is analyzed using GIS to map landslide susceptibility in Tsugawa area of Agano River. Data from six landslide-controlling parameters namely lithology, slope gradient, aspect, elevation, and plan and profile curvatures are coded and inserted into the GIS. Later, an index-based approach is adopted both to put the various classes of the six parameters in order of their significance to the process of landsliding and weigh the impact of one parameter against another. Applying primary and secondary-level weights, a continuous scale of numerical indices is obtained with which the study area is divided into five classes of landslide susceptibility. Slope gradient and elevation are found to be important to delineate flatlands that will in no way be subjected to slope failure. The area which is at high scale of susceptibility lies on mid-slope mountains where relatively weak rocks such as sandstone, mudstone and tuff are outcropping as one unit.
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Application of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for landslide susceptibility mapping: A case study from the Tinau watershed, west Nepal

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2012.11.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Landslide problems are abundant in the mountainous areas of Nepal due to a unique combination of adverse geological conditions, abundant rainfall and anthropogenic factors, which leads to enormous loss of life and property every year. To control such problems, systematic studies of landslides are necessary, including inventory mapping and risk assessment. This study applies the analytical hierarchy process method in the Tinau watershed, Nepal. A landslide susceptibility map is prepared on the basis of available digital data of topography, geology, land-use and hydrology. The landslide susceptibility map is validated through physical and statistical methods. The results reveal that the predicted susceptibility levels are found to be in good agreement with the past landslide occurrences, and, hence, the map is trustworthy for future land-use planning. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.09.042      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

With regard to the variables assumed to be important environmental factors controlling landslides, the two models are in agreement. They both indicate that present and future landslides are mainly controlled by slope gradient and lithology. However, the comparison of the two landslide susceptibility maps through (1) an evaluation with the location of mapped ‘old’ landslides and through (2) a temporal validation with spatial data of ‘recent’ (1960–1999; n 02=0248) and ‘very recent’ (2000–2008; n 02=0246) landslides showed a better prediction capacity for the statistical model produced in this study compared to the heuristic model. In total, the statistically-derived landslide susceptibility map succeeded in correctly classifying 81.0% of the ‘old’ and 91.6% of the ‘recent’ and ‘very recent’ landslides. On the susceptibility map derived from the heuristic model, on the other hand, only 54.6% of the ‘old’ and 64.0% of the ‘recent’ and ‘very recent’ landslides were correctly classified as unstable. Hence, the landslide susceptibility map obtained from logistic regression is a better tool for regional landslide susceptibility analysis in the study area of the Montagne de Reims. The accurate classification of zones with very high and high susceptibility allows delineating zones where viticulturists should be informed and where implementation of precaution measures is needed to secure slope stability.
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Evaluation of environmental parameters in logistic regression models for landslide susceptibility mapping

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https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2011.586443      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The aim of this study was to determine how well the landslide susceptibility parameters, obtained by data-dependent statistical models, matched with the parameters used in the literature. In order to achieve this goal, 20 different environmental parameters were mapped in a well-studied landslide-prone area, the Asarsuyu catchment in northwest Turkey. A total of 4400 seed cells were generated from 47 different landslides and merged with different attributes of 20 different environmental causative variables into a database. In order to run a series of logistic regression models, different random landslide-free sample sets were produced and combined with seed cells. Different susceptibility maps were created with an average success rate of nearly 80%. The coherence among the models showed spatial correlations greater than 90%. Models converged in the parameter selection peculiarly, in that the same nine of 20 were chosen by different logistic regression models. Among these nine parameters, lithology, geological structure (distance/density), landcover-landuse, and slope angle were common parameters selected by both the regression models and literature. Accuracy assessment of the logistic models was assessed by absolute methods. All models were field checked with the landslides resulting from the 12 November 1999, Kayna li Earthquake (Ms = 7.2).
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GIS techniques and statistical models in evaluating landslide hazard

[J]. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1991,16(5):427-445.

https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3290160505      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and numerical cartography may greatly facilitate the development and use of statistical models for the assessment of regional landslide hazard. From a small drainage basin located in Central Italy, relevant geological and geomorphological factors were collected and processed by applying GIS technology. In particular, modules were used which both generate high-fidelity digital terrain models and automatically partition the terrain into main slope-units. The resulting information was then analysed by discriminant analysis which enabled landslide hazard and risk to be evaluated in each slope-unit. Although not lacking drawbacks, the method proved to be a feasible and cost-effective approach to landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping.
[13] Carrara A, Guzzetti F, Cardinali M, et al.

Use of GIS technology in the prediction and monitoring of landslide hazard

[J]. Natural Hazards, 1999,20(2-3):117-135.

https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008097111310      URL      摘要

Technologies such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have raised great expectations as potential means of coping with natural disasters, including landslides. However, several misconceptions on the potential of GIS are widespread. Prominent among these is the belief that a landslide hazard map obtained by systematic data manipulation within a GIS is assumed to be more objective than a comparable hand-made product derived from the same input data and founded on the same conceptual model. Geographical data can now be handled in a GIS environment by users who are not experts in either GIS or natural hazard process fields. The reality of the successful application of GIS within the landslide hazard domain seems to be somewhat less attractive than current optimistic expectations.In spite of recent achievements, the use of GIS in the domain of prevention and mitigation of natural catastrophes remains a pioneering activity. Diffusion of the technology is still hampered by factors such as the difficulty in acquiring appropriate raw data, the intrinsic complexity of predictive models, the lack of efficient graphical user interfaces, the high cost of digitisation, and the persistence of bottlenecks in hardware capabilities.In addition, researchers are investing more in tuning-up hazard models founded upon existing, often unreliable data than in attempting to initiate long-term projects for the acquisition of new data on the causes of catastrophic events. Governmental institutions are frequently involved in risk reduction projects whose design and implementation appear to be governed more by political issues than by technical ones. There is an unfortunate general tendency to search for data which can be collected at low cost rather than attempting to capture the information which most readily explains the causes of a disaster.If the technical, cultural, economic and political reasons for this unhealthy state cannot be adequately tackled, the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction will probably come to an end without achieving significant advances in the prediction and control of natural disasters.
[14] Guzzetti F, Carrara A, Cardinali M, et al.

Landslide hazard evaluation: A review of current techniques and their application in a multi-scale study, Central Italy

[J]. Geomorphology, 1999,31(1):181-216.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0169-555X(99)00078-1      URL      摘要

In recent years, growing population and expansion of settlements and life-lines over hazardous areas have largely increased the impact of natural disasters both in industrialized and developing countries. Third world countries have difficulty meeting the high costs of controlling natural hazards through major engineering works and rational land-use planning. Industrialized societies are increasingly reluctant to invest money in structural measures that can reduce natural risks. Hence, the new issue is to implement warning systems and land utilization regulations aimed at minimizing the loss of lives and property without investing in long-term, costly projects of ground stabilization. Government and research institutions worldwide have long attempted to assess landslide hazard and risks and to portray its spatial distribution in maps. Several different methods for assessing landslide hazard were proposed or implemented. The reliability of these maps and the criteria behind these hazard evaluations are ill-formalized or poorly documented. Geomorphological information remains largely descriptive and subjective. It is, hence, somewhat unsuitable to engineers, policy-makers or developers when planning land resources and mitigating the effects of geological hazards. In the Umbria and Marche Regions of Central Italy, attempts at testing the proficiency and limitations of multivariate statistical techniques and of different methodologies for dividing the territory into suitable areas for landslide hazard assessment have been completed, or are in progress, at various scales. These experiments showed that, despite the operational and conceptual limitations, landslide hazard assessment may indeed constitute a suitable, cost-effective aid to land-use planning. Within this framework, engineering geomorphology may play a renewed role in assessing areas at high landslide hazard, and helping mitigate the associated risk.
[15] Wang Y, Song C, Lin Q, et al.

Occurrence probability assessment of earthquake-triggered landslides with newmark displacement values and logistic regression: The Wenchuan earthquake, China

[J]. Geomorphology, 2016,258:108-119.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.01.004      URL      摘要

The Newmark displacement model has been used to predict earthquake-triggered landslides. Logistic regression (LR) is also a common landslide hazard assessment method. We combined the Newmark displacement model and LR and applied them to Wenchuan County and Beichuan County in China, which were affected by theMs.8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12th, 2008, to develop a mechanism-based landslide occurrence probability model and improve the predictive accuracy. A total of 1904 landslide sites in Wenchuan County and 3800 random non-landslide sites were selected as the training dataset. We applied the Newmark model and obtained the distribution of permanent displacement (Dn) for a 30脳30m grid. Four factors (Dn, topographic relief, and distances to drainages and roads) were used as independent variables for LR. Then, a combined model was obtained, with anAUC(area under the curve) value of 0.797 for Wenchuan County. A total of 617 landslide sites and non-landslide sites in Beichuan County were used as a validation dataset withAUC=0.753. The proposed method may also be applied to earthquake-induced landslides in other regions.
[16] 杨城,林广发,张明锋,.



[ Yang C, Lin G F, Zhang M F, et al.

Soil landslide susceptibility assessment based on DEM

[J] Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016,18(12):1624-1633. ]

[17] 王瑛,林齐根,史培军.



https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201705011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[ Wang Y, Lin Q G, Shi P J.

Spatial pattern and influencing factors of casualty events caused by landslides

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(5):906-917. ]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201705011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[18] Yao X, Tham L G, Dai F C.

Landslide susceptibility mapping based on support vector machine: A case study on natural slopes of Hong Kong, China

[J]. Geomorphology, 2008,101(4):572-582.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.02.011      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is an increasingly popular learning procedure based on statistical learning theory, and involves a training phase in which the model is trained by a training dataset of associated input and target output values. The trained model is then used to evaluate a separate set of testing data. There are two main ideas underlying the SVM for discriminant-type problems. The first is an optimum linear separating hyperplane that separates the data patterns. The second is the use of kernel functions to convert the original non-linear data patterns into the format that is linearly separable in a high-dimensional feature space. In this paper, an overview of the SVM, both one-class and two-class SVM methods, is first presented followed by its use in landslide susceptibility mapping. A study area was selected from the natural terrain of Hong Kong, and slope angle, slope aspect, elevation, profile curvature of slope, lithology, vegetation cover and topographic wetness index (TWI) were used as environmental parameters which influence the occurrence of landslides. One-class and two-class SVM models were trained and then used to map landslide susceptibility respectively. The resulting susceptibility maps obtained by the methods were compared to that obtained by the logistic regression (LR) method. It is concluded that two-class SVM possesses better prediction efficiency than logistic regression and one-class SVM. However, one-class SVM, which only requires failed cases, has an advantage over the other two methods as only ailed case information is usually available in landslide susceptibility mapping.
[19] Xu C, Dai F, Xu X, et al.

GIS-based support vector machine modeling of earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility in the Jianjiang River watershed, China

[J]. Geomorphology , 2012,145-146:70-80.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.12.040      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Support vector machine (SVM) modeling is based on statistical learning theory. It involves a training phase with associated input and target output values. In recent years, the method has become increasingly popular. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the mapping power of SVM modeling in earthquake triggered landslide-susceptibility mapping for a section of the Jianjiang River watershed using a Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The river was affected by the Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008. Visual interpretation of colored aerial photographs of 1-m resolution and extensive field surveys provided a detailed landslide inventory map containing 3147 landslides related to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, distance from seismogenic faults, distance from drainages, and lithology were used as the controlling parameters. For modeling, three groups of positive and negative training samples were used in concert with four different kernel functions. Positive training samples include the centroids of 500 large landslides, those of all 3147 landslides, and 5000 randomly selected points in landslide polygons. Negative training samples include 500, 3147, and 5000 randomly selected points on slopes that remained stable during the Wenchuan earthquake. The four kernel functions are linear, polynomial, radial basis, and sigmoid. In total, 12 cases of landslide susceptibility were mapped. Comparative analyses of landslide-susceptibility probability and area relation curves show that both the polynomial and radial basis functions suitably classified the input data as either landslide positive or negative though the radial basis function was more successful. The 12 generated landslide-susceptibility maps were compared with known landslide centroid locations and landslide polygons to verify the success rate and predictive accuracy of each model. The 12 results were further validated using area-under-curve analysis. Group 3 with 5000 randomly selected points on the landslide polygons, and 5000 randomly selected points along stable slopes gave the best results with a success rate of 79.20% and predictive accuracy of 79.13% under the radial basis function. Of all the results, the sigmoid kernel function was the least skillful when used in concert with the centroid data of all 3147 landslides as positive training samples, and the negative training samples of 3147 randomly selected points in regions of stable slope (success rate = 54.95%; predictive accuracy = 61.85%). This paper also provides suggestions and reference data for selecting appropriate training samples and kernel function types for earthquake triggered landslide-susceptibility mapping using SVM modeling. Predictive landslide-susceptibility maps could be useful in hazard mitigation by helping planners understand the probability of landslides in different regions.
[20] Peng L, Niu R, Huang B, et al.

Landslide susceptibility mapping based on rough set theory and support vector machines: A case of the three gorges area, China

[J]. Geomorphology, 2014,204:287-301.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.08.013      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

61We develop a novel hybrid model for landslide susceptibility mapping.61The hybrid model is based on rough set theory and support vector machines.61We propose techniques for evaluating the performance of susceptibility models.61The hybrid model has superior prediction skill and higher reliability.
[21] Alimohammadlou Y, Najafi A, Gokceoglu C.

Estimation of rainfall-induced landslides using ANN and fuzzy clustering methods: A case study in Saeen Slope, Azerbaijan province, Iran

[J]. Catena, 2014,120:149-162.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2014.04.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

As is the case around the world, Azerbaijan province in northwestern Iran experiences numerous landslides that occur following intensive precipitation periods. These landslides damage many aspects of human life as well as the natural environment, and hence it should be evaluated accurately. However, one of the main challenges of landslide studies is the estimation of the periods between potential landslides, which would provide information that is useful for the development of warning systems and/or mitigation measures. The aim of the present study is to propose a novel approach utilizing artificial neural network and fuzzy clustering methods for landslide frequency estimation. This study also investigates the 2005 Saeen, Iran landslide triggered by prolonged heavy rainfall that affected groundwater levels, and introduces a methodology to estimate the date range of the next probable landslide. Based on the interpretation of the triggering factor and failure mechanism, the Saeen landslide was induced by the prolonged rainfall behavior and resultant deep infiltration of water between the years 2002 and 2005. During this period, the maximum rainfall values were observed in April of each year, and then followed by decreased rainfall to a minimum value in June and August. The results of this investigation revealed that the failure probability will likely increase in the next precipitation periods and the saturation rate will be high in August and September of 2017 and 2018, resulting in landslides. In conclusion, this method is only used for the heavy precipitation as the triggering factor to estimate and analyze the next potential landslide. The information derived from this method will establish a time window for future failure, where the other slope-stability factors can be evaluated and then utilized to set up more accurate and reliable networks for further investigations.
[22] Melchiorre C, Matteucci M, Azzoni A, et al.

Artificial neural networks and cluster analysis in landslide susceptibility zonation

[J]. Geomorphology, 2008,94(3-4):379-400.

https://doi.org/10.1109/IJCNN.2006.247036      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A landslide susceptibility analysis is performed by means of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Cluster Analysis (CA). This kind of analysis is aimed at using ANNs to model the complex non linear relationships between mass movements and conditioning factors for susceptibility zonation, in order to identify unstable areas. The proposed method adopts CA to improve the selection of training, validation, and test records from data, managed within a Geographic Information System (GIS). In particular, we introduce a domain-specific distance measure in cluster formation. Clustering is used in data pre-processing to select non landslide records and is performed on the whole dataset, excluding the test set landslides. Susceptibility analysis is carried out by means of ANNs on the so-generated data and compared with the common strategy to select random non-landslide samples from pixels without landslides. The proposed method has been applied in the Brembilla Municipality, a landslide-prone area in the Southern Alps, Italy. The results show significant differences between the two sampling methods: the classification of the test set, previously separated and excluded from the training data, is always better when the non-landslide patterns are obtained using the proposed cluster sampling. The case study validates that, by means of a domain-specific distance measure in cluster formation, it is possible to introduce expert knowledge into the black-box modelling method, implemented by ANNs, to improve the predictive capability and the robustness of the models obtained.
[23] Trigila A, Iadanza C, Esposito C, et al.

Comparison of logistic regression and random forests techniques for shallow landslide susceptibility assessment in Giampilieri (NE Sicily, Italy)

[J]. Geomorphology, 2015,249:119-136.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.06.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The aim of this work is to define reliable susceptibility models for shallow landslides using Logistic Regression and Random Forests multivariate statistical techniques. The study area, located in North-East Sicily, was hit on October 1st 2009 by a severe rainstorm (225 mm of cumulative rainfall in 7 h) which caused flash floods and more than 1000 landslides. Several small villages, such as Giampilieri, were hit with 31 fatalities, 6 missing persons and damage to buildings and transportation infrastructures. Landslides, mainly types such as earth and debris translational slides evolving into debris flows, were triggered on steep slopes and involved colluvium and regolith materials which cover the underlying metamorphic bedrock. The work has been carried out with the following steps: i) realization of a detailed event landslide inventory map through field surveys coupled with observation of high resolution aerial colour orthophoto; ii) identification of landslide source areas; iii) data preparation of landslide controlling factors and descriptive statistics based on a bivariate method (Frequency Ratio) to get an initial overview on existing relationships between causative factors and shallow landslide source areas; iv) choice of criteria for the selection and sizing of the mapping unit; v) implementation of 5 multivariate statistical susceptibility models based on Logistic Regression and Random Forests techniques and focused on landslide source areas; vi) evaluation of the influence of sample size and type of sampling on results and performance of the models; vii) evaluation of the predictive capabilities of the models using ROC curve, AUC and contingency tables; viii) comparison of model results and obtained susceptibility maps; and ix) analysis of temporal variation of landslide susceptibility related to input parameter changes. Models based on Logistic Regression and Random Forests have demonstrated excellent predictive capabilities. Land use and wildfire variables were found to have a strong control on the occurrence of very rapid shallow landslides.
[24] Hong H, Pourghasemi H R, Pourtaghi Z S.

Landslide susceptibility assessment in Lianhua County (China): A comparison between a random forest data mining technique and bivariate and multivariate statistical models

[J]. Geomorphology, 2016,259:105-118.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.02.012      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Landslides are an important natural hazard that causes a great amount of damage around the world every year, especially during the rainy season. The Lianhua area is located in the middle of China's southern mountainous area, west of Jiangxi Province, and is known to be an area prone to landslides. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare landslide susceptibility maps produced using the random forest (RF) data mining technique with those produced by bivariate (evidential belief function and frequency ratio) and multivariate (logistic regression) statistical models for Lianhua County, China. First, a landslide inventory map was prepared using aerial photograph interpretation, satellite images, and extensive field surveys. In total, 163 landslide events were recognized in the study area, with 114 landslides (70%) used for training and 49 landslides (30%) used for validation. Next, the landslide conditioning factors-including the slope angle, altitude, slope aspect, topographic wetness index (TWI), slope-length (LS), plan curvature, profile curvature, distance to rivers, distance to faults, distance to roads, annual precipitation, land use, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and lithology-were derived from the spatial database. Finally, the landslide susceptibility maps of Lianhua County were generated in ArcGIS 10.1 based on the random forest (RF), evidential belief function (EBF), frequency ratio (FR), and logistic regression (LR) approaches and were validated using a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The ROC plot assessment results showed that for landslide susceptibility maps produced using the EBF, FR, LR, and RF models, the area under the curve (AUC) values were 0.8122, 0.8134, 0.7751, and 0.7172, respectively. Therefore, we can conclude that all four models have an AUC of more than 0.70 and can be used in landslide susceptibility mapping in the study area; meanwhile, the EBF and FR models had the best performance for Lianhua County, China. Thus, the resultant susceptibility maps will be useful for land use planning and hazard mitigation aims.
[25] Mountrakis G, Im J, Ogole C.

Support vector machines in remote sensing: A review

[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2011,66(3):247-259.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2010.11.001      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A wide range of methods for analysis of airborne- and satellite-derived imagery continues to be proposed and assessed. In this paper, we review remote sensing implementations of support vector machines (SVMs), a promising machine learning methodology. This review is timely due to the exponentially increasing number of works published in recent years. SVMs are particularly appealing in the remote sensing field due to their ability to generalize well even with limited training samples, a common limitation for remote sensing applications. However, they also suffer from parameter assignment issues that can significantly affect obtained results. A summary of empirical results is provided for various applications of over one hundred published works (as of April, 2010). It is our hope that this survey will provide guidelines for future applications of SVMs and possible areas of algorithm enhancement.
[26] Ohlmacher G C, Davis J C.

Using multiple logistic regression and GIS technology to predict landslide hazard in northeast Kansas, USA

[J]. Engineering Geology, 2003,69(3):331-343.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0013-7952(03)00069-3      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Landslides in the hilly terrain along the Kansas and Missouri rivers in northeastern Kansas have caused millions of dollars in property damage during the last decade. To address this problem, a statistical method called multiple logistic regression has been used to create a landslide-hazard map for Atchison, Kansas, and surrounding areas. Data included digitized geology, slopes, and landslides, manipulated using ArcView GIS. Logistic regression relates predictor variables to the occurrence or nonoccurrence of landslides within geographic cells and uses the relationship to produce a map showing the probability of future landslides, given local slopes and geologic units. Results indicated that slope is the most important variable for estimating landslide hazard in the study area. Geologic units consisting mostly of shale, siltstone, and sandstone were most susceptible to landslides. Soil type and aspect ratio were considered but excluded from the final analysis because these variables did not significantly add to the predictive power of the logistic regression. Soil types were highly correlated with the geologic units, and no significant relationships existed between landslides and slope aspect.
[27] Newmark N M.

Effects of earthquakes on dams and embankments

[J]. Geotechnique, 1965,15(2):139-160.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[28] Jibson R W, Harp E L, Michael J A.

A method for producing digital probabilistic seismic landslide hazard maps

[J]. Engineering Geology, 2000,58(3):271-289.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0013-7952(00)00039-9      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake is the first earthquake for which we have all of the data sets needed to conduct a rigorous regional analysis of seismic slope instability. These data sets include: (1) a comprehensive inventory of triggered landslides, (2) about 200 strong-motion records of the mainshock, (3) 1:24 000-scale geologic mapping of the region, (4) extensive data on engineering properties of geologic units, and (5) high-resolution digital elevation models of the topography. All of these data sets have been digitized and rasterized at 10 m grid spacing using ARC/INFO GIS software on a UNIX computer. Combining these data sets in a dynamic model based on Newmark's permanent-deformation (sliding-block) analysis yields estimates of coseismic landslide displacement in each grid cell from the Northridge earthquake. The modeled displacements are then compared with the digital inventory of landslides triggered by the Northridge earthquake to construct a probability curve relating predicted displacement to probability of failure. This probability function can be applied to predict and map the spatial variability in failure probability in any ground-shaking conditions of interest. We anticipate that this mapping procedure will be used to construct seismic landslide hazard maps that will assist in emergency preparedness planning and in making rational decisions regarding development and construction in areas susceptible to seismic slope failure.
[29] Hsieh S Y, Lee C T.

Empirical estimation of the Newmark displacement from the Arias intensity and critical acceleration

[J]. Engineering Geology, 2011,122(1):34-42.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2010.12.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

78 Logarithmic Newmark displacement is proportional to logarithmic Arias intensity log I a. 78 Logarithmic Newmark displacement is also proportional to critical acceleration A c. 78 We add an new term - A clog I a in our empirical formula. 78 We provide a global formula and a local formula for use.
[30] Capolongo D, Refice A, Mankelow J.

Evaluating earthquake-triggered landslide hazard at the basin scale through GIS in the Upper Sele river valley

[J]. Surveys in geophysics, 2002,23(6):595-625.

https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1021235029496      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

To evaluate techniques for assessing earthquake-triggeredlandslide hazard in the Southern Apennines (Italy), a GIS-based analysis was used to modelseismically induced slope deformations. Geological, geotechnical, geomorphological and seismologicaldata were integrated into a standard earthquake slope stability model. The model assessed thelandslide potential that existed during the 1980 Irpinian earthquake in the Upper Sele river Valley.The standard Newmark displacement analysis, widely used for predicting the location of shallowunstable slopes, does not take into account errors and/or uncertainties in the input parameters.Therefore, a probabilistic Newmark displacement analysis technique has been used. Probabilistictechniques allow, e.g., an estimation of the probability that a slope will exceed a certain criticalvalue of Newmark displacement. In our probabilistic method, a Monte-Carlo based simulation modelis used in conjunction with a GIS. The random variability of geotechnical data is modelled by probabilitydensity functions (pdfs), while for the seismic input three different regression laws wereconsidered. Input probability distributions are sampled and the resulting values input into empiricalrelations for estimating Newmark displacement. The outcome is a map in which to each siteis related a spatial probability distribution for the expected displacement in response to seismic loading.Results of the experiments show a high grade of uncertainty in the application of the Newmarkanalysis both for the deterministic and probabilistic approach in a complex geological setting suchas the high Sele valley, quite common in the Southern Apennines. They show a strong dependence onthe reliability of the spatial data used in input, so that, when the model is used at basin scale,results are strongly influenced by local environmental condition (e.g., topography, lithology, groundwatercondition) and decrease the model performance.
[31] Wang K L, Lin M L.

Development of shallow seismic landslide potential map based on Newmark′s displacement: the case study of Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan

[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2010,60(4):775-785.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-009-0215-1      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

With the development of the geographic information system (GIS), the analysis of regional slope stability under seismic loading has evolved rapidly in recent years. In many studies, the Newmark’s method is used for the computation of displacements triggered by an earthquake on a single slope, while for regional analysis, the infinite slope theory is frequently used due to its simplicity when large amount of computations are required. In this research, the infinite slope theory was examined considering various seismic conditions, material properties, and slope geometry to verify the suitability of the method when applied to regional analysis and development of potential shallow landslide maps. The landslide cases induced by Chi-Chi earthquake in central Taiwan were used in this study for verification. It was found that the infinite slope theory is valid for regional analysis when used with discretion. Based on the calculated Newmark’s displacement and combining the GIS technique, procedures for the potential map development are established in this study.
[32] Densmore A L, Ellis M A, Li Y, et al.

Active tectonics of the Beichuan and Pengguan faults at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau

[J]. Tectonics, 2007,26(TC4005):1-17.

https://doi.org/10.1029/2006TC001987      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[1] The steep, high-relief eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau has undergone rapid Cenozoic cooling and denudation yet shows little evidence for large-magnitude shortening or accommodation generation in the foreland basin. We address this paradox by using a variety of geomorphic observations to place constraints on the kinematics and slip rates of several large faults that parallel the plateau margin. The Beichuan and Pengguan faults are active, dominantly dextral-slip structures that can be traced continuously for up to 200 km along the plateau margin. Both faults offset fluvial fill terraces that yield inheritance-corrected, cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages of &lt;15 kyr, indicating latest Pleistocene activity. The Pengguan fault appears to have been active in the Holocene at two sites along strike. Latest Quaternary apparent throw rates on both faults are variable along strike but are typically &lt;1 mm yr0908081. Rates of strike-slip displacement are likely to be several times higher, probably 090804109000910 mm yr0908081 but remain poorly constrained. Late Quaternary folding and dextral strike-slip has also occurred along the western margin of the Sichuan Basin, particularly associated with the present-day mountain front. These observations support models for the formation and maintenance of the eastern plateau margin that do not involve major upper crustal shortening. They also suggest that activity on the margin-parallel faults in eastern Tibet may represent a significant seismic hazard to the densely populated Sichuan Basin.
[33] 秦绪文,杨金中,张志,.汶川地震灾区航天遥感应急调查[M].北京:科学出版社,2009.

[本文引用: 1]     

[ Qin X W, Yang J Z, Zhang Z, et al.Remote sensing emergency survey in Wenchuan earquake area[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2009. ]

[本文引用: 1]     

[34] Vapnik V.

The nature of statistical learning theory

[M]. Germany: Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.

[本文引用: 3]     

[35] Chung C J F, Fabbri A G.

Validation of spatial prediction models for landslide hazard mapping

[J]. Natural Hazards, 2003,30(3):451-472.

https://doi.org/10.1023/B:NHAZ.0000007172.62651.2b      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This contribution discusses the problemof providing measures of significance ofprediction results when the predictionswere generated from spatial databases forlandslide hazard mapping. The spatialdatabases usually contain map informationon lithologic units, land-cover units,topographic elevation and derived attributes(slope, aspect, etc.) and the distributionin space and in time of clearly identifiedmass movements. In prediction modelling wetransform the multi-layered databaseinto an aggregation of functional values toobtain an index of propensity of the landto failure. Assuming then that the informationin the database is sufficiently representativeof the typical conditions in which the massmovements originated in space and in time,the problem then, is to confirm the validity ofthe results of some models over otherones, or of particular experiments that seem touse more significant data. A core pointof measuring the significance of a prediction isthat it allows interpreting the results.Without a validation no interpretation is possible,no support of the method or of theinput information can be provided. In particularwith validation, the added value canbe assessed of a prediction either in a fixedtime interval, or in an open-ended time orwithin the confined space of a study area.Validation must be of guidance in datacollection and field practice for landslidehazard mapping.
[36] Ayalew L, Yamagishi H.

The application of GIS-based logistic regression for landslide susceptibility mapping in the Kakuda-Yahiko Mountains, Central Japan

[J]. Geomorphology, 2005,65(1):15-31.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2004.06.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

As a first step forward in regional hazard management, multivariate statistical analysis in the form of logistic regression was used to produce a landslide susceptibility map in the Kakuda-Yahiko Mountains of Central Japan. There are different methods to prepare landslide susceptibility maps. The use of logistic regression in this study stemmed not only from the fact that this approach relaxes the strict assumptions required by other multivariate statistical methods, but also to demonstrate that it can be combined with bivariate statistical analyses (BSA) to simplify the interpretation of the model obtained at the end. In susceptibility mapping, the use of logistic regression is to find the best fitting function to describe the relationship between the presence or absence of landslides (dependent variable) and a set of independent parameters such as slope angle and lithology. Here, an inventory map of 87 landslides was used to produce a dependent variable, which takes a value of 0 for the absence and 1 for the presence of slope failures. Lithology, bed rock-slope relationship, lineaments, slope gradient, aspect, elevation and road network were taken as independent parameters. The effect of each parameter on landslide occurrence was assessed from the corresponding coefficient that appears in the logistic regression function. The interpretations of the coefficients showed that road network plays a major role in determining landslide occurrence and distribution. Among the geomorphological parameters, aspect and slope gradient have a more significant contribution than elevation, although field observations showed that the latter is a good estimator of the approximate location of slope cuts. Using a predicted map of probability, the study area was classified into five categories of landslide susceptibility: extremely low, very low, low, medium and high. The medium and high susceptibility zones make up 8.87% of the total study area and involve mid-altitude slopes in the eastern part of Kakuda Mountain and the central and southern parts of Yahiko Mountain.
[37] Schicker R, Moon V.

Comparison of bivariate and multivariate statistical approaches in landslide susceptibility mapping at a regional scale

[J]. Geomorphology, 2012,161:40-57.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.03.036      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Landslide susceptibility assessment was undertaken for the Waikato Region, New Zealand. Landslide inventory data were extracted from a pre-existing database that included few landslides in the region (1.4% of area), and is limited in terms of completeness of record and location uncertainty. This database is in contrast to those normally used for research, which are derived for the research project and are complete and accurate, but is representative of those that may exist within government bodies. This paper applies statistical methods to derive a meaningful predictive map for planning purposes from such a relatively poorly defined database. Susceptibility maps for both logistic regression and weights of evidence were derived and evaluated using success, prediction, and ROC curves. Both statistical methods gave models with fair predictive capacity for validation samples from the original database with areas under ROC curves ( AUC ) of 0.71 to 0.75. An independent set of landslide data compiled from observations made in Google Earth showed lower overall prediction quality, with the logistic regression method giving the best prediction ( AUC = 0.71). For this regional assessment, categorical data proved a major constraint on the application of logistic regression as the area considered has complex geology and geomorphology. As a result, the large number of categories required led to a complex and unwieldy statistical model, whereas division into fewer categories meant that real variability in the area could not be adequately represented. This limited the result to a model with two continuous variables, slope and mean monthly rainfall. The incomplete record in the database proved of little concern for the logistic regression method as the model was able to generalise landslide locations from the known sites well, giving a similar AUC value for the original and independent data; the same was not true for the weights of evidence method which was not successful at predicting landslides outside those in the original data.
[38] Wilson R C.

Relation of Arias intensity to magnitude and distance in California

[R]. US Geological Survey, 1993.

[本文引用: 1]     

[39] Qi S, Xu Q, Lan H, et al.

Spatial distribution analysis of landslides triggered by 2008 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake, China

[J]. Engineering Geology, 2010,116(1):95-108.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2010.07.011      URL      摘要

he 2008.5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake(seismic magnitude M_w 7.9 according to the USGS)triggered a great number of landslides.A spatial database of landslides is built by interpreting the remote sensing(RS)data which covers 11 counties severely damaged by the earthquake with area of about 31,686.12 km~2.The geological settings of the study area are detailed mapped including geologic structure and lithology.The digital elevation model(DEM)of the study area with resolution of 30 m 30 m is presented to address the topographic characteristics.Correlations between the occurrence of landslides with geological settings i.e. active faults(the coseismic surface ruptures),geological unit,slope gradient,slope elevation as well as slope aspect are analyzed using spatial modeling in GIS with the aids of field investigations.It can be concluded that the distance to the causative faults and slope gradient are much more important than other factors. Landslides are clustered distributed along the causative faults of F2 and F3,and landslides incidence are dramatically decreasing with the increasing of the distance to the causative faults.The landslides incidence has an obvious increase near the active faults i.e.F1.Landslide concentration(LC,landslides/km~2)has an obvious exponent increase with slope gradient.However,LC has no obvious relationship with geological unit and slope elevation;the difference of LC value in each geological unit(each slope elevation category)maybe have been the result affected by slope gradient for each geological unit(each slope elevation category)and distance of each geological unit(each slope elevation category)to causative fault zone.Isoseismal map reflects the incidence of landslides in some degree,and LC increases dramatically with Intensity increasing, almost all landslides occurred in the region above egree. Statistics result also indicates that in the near field of causative faults,landslides tend to have the initial sliding direction similar to the movement of the causative faults.And preliminary study shows that landslides incidence varies in different slopes with different structure,and consequent slopes and obsequent slopes have a higher landslides incidence than other layered slopes.
[40] Lee S, Pradhan B.

Landslide hazard mapping at Selangor, Malaysia using frequency ratio and logistic regression models

[J]. Landslides, 2007,4(1):33-41.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-006-0047-y      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<a name="Abs1"></a>The aim of this study is to evaluate the landslide hazards at Selangor area, Malaysia, using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing. Landslide locations of the study area were identified from aerial photograph interpretation and field survey. Topographical maps, geological data, and satellite images were collected, processed, and constructed into a spatial database in a GIS platform. The factors chosen that influence landslide occurrence were: slope, aspect, curvature, distance from drainage, lithology, distance from lineaments, land cover, vegetation index, and precipitation distribution. Landslide hazardous areas were analyzed and mapped using the landslide-occurrence factors by frequency ratio and logistic regression models. The results of the analysis were verified using the landslide location data and compared with probability model. The comparison results showed that the frequency ratio model (accuracy is 93.04%) is better in prediction than logistic regression (accuracy is 90.34%) model.
[41] Lin L, Lin Q, Wang Y.

Landslide susceptibility mapping on a global scale using the method of logistic regression

[J]. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2017,17:1411-1424.

https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-2016-347      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper proposes a statistical model for mapping global landslide susceptibility based on logistic regression. After investigating explanatory factors for landslides in the existing literature, five factors were selected for model landslide susceptibility: relative relief, extreme precipitation, lithology, ground motion and soil moisture. When building the model, 70 % of landslide and nonlandslide points were randomly selected for logistic regression, and the others were used for model validation. To evaluate the accuracy of predictive models, this paper adopts several criteria including a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve method. Logistic regression experiments found all five factors to be significant in explaining landslide occurrence on a global scale. During the modeling process, percentage correct in confusion matrix of landslide classification was approximately 80 % and the area under the curve (AUC) was nearly 0.87. During the validation process, the above statistics were about 81 % and 0.88, respectively. Such a result indicates that the model has strong robustness and stable performance. This model found that at a global scale, soil moisture can be dominant in the occurrence of landslides and topographic factor may be secondary.
[42] Swets J A.

Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic systems

[J]. Science, 1988,240(4857):1285-1293.

URL      PMID: 3287615      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Diagnostic systems of several kinds are used to distinguish between two classes of events, essentially "signals" and "noise". For them, analysis in terms of the "relative operating characteristic" of signal detection theory provides a precise and valid measure of diagnostic accuracy. It is the only measure available that is uninfluenced by decision biases and prior probabilities, and it places the performances of diverse systems on a common, easily interpreted scale. Representative values of this measure are reported here for systems in medical imaging, materials testing, weather forecasting, information retrieval, polygraph lie detection, and aptitude testing. Though the measure itself is sound, the values obtained from tests of diagnostic systems often require qualification because the test data on which they are based are of unsure quality. A common set of problems in testing is faced in all fields. How well these problems are handled, or can be handled in a given field, determines the degree of confidence that can be placed in a measured value of accuracy. Some fields fare much better than others.
[43] Rossi M, Guzzetti F, Reichenbach P, et al.

Optimal landslide susceptibility zonation based on multiple forecasts

[J]. Geomorphology, 2010,114(3):129-142.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.06.020      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Environmental and multi-temporal landslide information for an area in Umbria, Italy, was exploited to produce four single and two combined landslide susceptibility zonations. The 78.9km 2 study area was partitioned in 894 slope units, and the single susceptibility zonations were obtained through linear discriminant analysis (LDA), quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), logistic regression (LR), and by training a neural network (NN). The presence or absence of landslides in the slope units in the period from pre-1941 to 1996 (training set) was used as the dependent variable for the terrain classification. Next, adopting a regression approach, two “optimal” combinations of the four single zonations were prepared. The single and the combined zonations were tested against landslides in the 9-year period from 1997 to 2005 (validation set). Different metrics were used to evaluate the quality of the susceptibility zonations, including degree of model fit, uncertainty in the probability estimates, and model prediction skills. These metrics showed that the degree of model fit was not a good indicator of the model forecasting skills. Zonations obtained through classical multivariate classification techniques (LDA, QDA and LR) produced superior predictions when compared to the NN model, that over fitted the landslide information in the training set. LDA and LR produced less uncertain zonations than QDA and NN. The combined models resulted in a reduced number of errors and in less uncertain predictions; an important result that suggests that the combination of landslide susceptibility zonations can provide “optimal” susceptibility assessments.
