

  • 黄正宇 , 1, 2, 3 ,
  • 陈益强 , 1, 2, 3*, * ,
  • 刘军发 2, 3 ,
  • 蒋鑫龙 2, 3, 4 ,
  • 胡春雨 2, 3, 4
  • 1. 湘潭大学信息工程学院,湘潭 411105
  • 2. 中国科学院计算技术研究所,北京 100190
  • 3. 北京市移动计算与新型终端重点实验室,北京 100190
  • 4. 中国科学院大学,北京 100190
*通讯作者:陈益强(1973-),男,湖南湘潭人,博士,研究员,主要从事室内定位、普适计算、机器学习、人机交互、虚拟现实等方面研究。E-mail: yqchen@ict.ac.cn


收稿日期: 2016-07-25

  要求修回日期: 2016-09-29

  网络出版日期: 2016-11-20




Indoor Localization Method and Platform Based on Crowdsourcing Data

  • HUANG Zhengyu , 1, 2, 3 ,
  • CHEN Yiqiang , 1, 2, 3, * ,
  • LIU Junfa 2, 3 ,
  • JIANG Xinlong 2, 3, 4 ,
  • HU Chunyu 2, 3, 4
  • 1. College of Information Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan Hunan 411105, China
  • 2. Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • 3.Beijing Key Laboratory of Mobile Computing and Pervasive Device, Beijing 100190, China
  • 4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
*Corresponding author: CHEN Yiqiang, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-07-25

  Request revised date: 2016-09-29

  Online published: 2016-11-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


随着WLAN的普及,基于Wi-Fi的室内定位方法逐渐成为研究与应用的热点。虽然,其中基于位置指纹的定位算法研究相对广泛,应用效果较好,然而现有的指纹定位方法或系统仍存在以下3个问题:① 离线阶段的数据标定和定位模型的训练需要耗费大量人力物力,以及时间消耗,使系统很难得到实际应用;② 真实环境中WLAN信号波动呈现高动态性,采集的数据存在显著的时效性,无法提供长时间的有效定位保证;③ 实际环境中AP设备变动频繁,导致训练数据与定位数据特征维度不等长,造成模型失效。针对上述问题,本文提出了一种基于众包数据的模型更新方法,通过不断融合增量数据,使定位模型保持实时有效。该方法主要包括半监督极速学习机(SELM)、具有时效机制的增量式定位方法(TMELM)和特征自适应的在线极速学习机(FA-OSELM)3部分。基于上述方法,本文设计并实现了基于众包数据的室内定位平台系统。实际应用表明,本文提出的方法能够显著降低模型训练阶段的数据采集工作量,有效提升模型训练速度,并且长时间保持较高的定位精度。


黄正宇 , 陈益强 , 刘军发 , 蒋鑫龙 , 胡春雨 . 基于众包数据的室内定位方法和平台[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(11) : 1476 -1784 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.01476


As WLAN getting more and more popular and pervasive, Wi-Fi based indoor localization is becoming a hot issue in research and application fields. Among various kinds of up-to-date indoor localization methods, fingerprint based methods are most widely used because of the good performance. However, the existing fingerprint based methods still have following three common problems: Firstly, fingerprint based methods require a vast amount of calibration work, which need huge human and time consumption both in offline and online phases. It makes the systems difficult to be applied in the practical applications. Secondly, the Wi-Fi signals in the environment change frequently, bringing the significant timeliness in collected data. So it cannot guarantee to provide a long term effective localization. Thirdly, the Wi-Fi access points change frequently in real scene. Thus, the feature dimensions of training data and testing data are unequal. The traditional algorithms cannot well handle the feature dimension changing problem caused by increase or decrease in APs’ number. To solve these problems mentioned above, we proposed a crowdsourcing based indoor localization method, including Semi-supervised ELM, Timeliness Managing ELM and Feature Adaptive Online Sequential ELM. We also developed an indoor localization platform. Applications show that our method can reduce human effort in data calibration and improve the model training speed. Moreover, our method can maintain the high location accuracy for a long time.

1 引言

基于位置的服务(Location Based Services, LBS)已逐渐成为移动互联网的研究内容热点,基于LBS的应用也随着移动互联网的发展而越来越丰富。近年来,许多定位解决方案不断涌现,如GPS定位、基站定位、地磁定位、超声波定位、射频(RFID)定位、Wi-Fi定位以及基于iBeacon技术的蓝牙定位解决方案等。然而上述定位解决方案均存在其局限性:GPS由于易受到建筑或其他障碍物的阻挡,只适用于室外环境;超声波易受物体遮挡,存在传输受限问题;基于射频的定位方法探测范围较小;iBeacon信号覆盖范围小,需大面积布设,定位局限性较大,成本较高;地磁信号易受电磁干扰而难以精准采集。Wi-Fi具有覆盖面积广、抗干扰能力强、信号稳定以及数据传输速度快和质量高等特点。此外随着智慧城市建设的逐步推进,具备无线通信模块的智能终端逐年普及,日常环境中Wi-Fi信号日渐丰富,无线接入点(Access Point, AP)越来越多,这些都为基于Wi-Fi定位方法的普及实施提供了有利条件。

2 基于Wi-Fi的定位方法

目前,基于Wi-Fi的定位方法主要包含以下4类:基于信号到达时间TOA(Time of Arrival)的定位方法;基于信号到达时间差TDOA(Time difference of Arrival)的定位方法;基于信号到达角度AOA(Angle of Arrive)的定位方法和基于信号强度RSS(Received Signal Strength)的定位方法。由于室内环境复杂,Wi-Fi信号易受障碍物反射,存在严重的多径效应,基于AOA的方法定位精度较低。此外,由于时间精准控制在近距离情况下难以实现,基于TOA和TDOA等定位方法误差过大,实用性差。基于RSS的定位方法因为信号检测装置简单、信号稳定性好以及定位方法简易等特点而受到广泛关注。基于RSS的Wi-Fi室内定位方法又称为位置指纹算法[1],该方法包括离线训练阶段和在线预测阶段,如图1所示。
Fig. 1 The fingerprint model localization method framework

图1 指纹模型定位方法框架

离线阶段的任务就是大量采集定位区域中各个参考点(Reference Point, RP)的标定指纹数据,然后利用机器学习方法挖掘Wi-Fi信号向量 X 与真实物理位置 Y 之间的映射关系 Y = f ( X ) ;最终在线阶段针对输入的Wi-Fi信号向量 X * 利用模型估计出当前位置 Y * 。已有的研究通过不同的方法对模型精度进行提升,马里兰大学的HORUS[2]定位系统通过建立信号空间并引入概率模型,同时采用联合分簇法和三角测量2种方式进行定位。Sjoberg等[3]利用SVM结合计算机视觉技术取得了较好的定位效果。Wu等[4]首次引入信道状态信息(Channel State Information, CSI),通过提取Wi-Fi信号中的稳定信道作为特征来进行定位,取得了良好的效果。Sen等[5]也通过细粒度的CSI特征实现了波长级别的定位效果,同时降低了系统功耗。在高动态信号的优化方面,Fang等[6]通过主成份分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)来提取Wi-Fi信号中最主要的成分作为特征训练定位模型,最终使平均定位误差降低了33.75%。Zheng等[7]通过迁移学习来处理静态Radio Map在不同时间段的适用性,提出基于迁移的隐马尔科夫模型来动态调整Radio Map。Sun等[8]将源数据和部分标定数据进行结合,并通过流形对齐(Manifold Alignment)来处理时间和设备的差异,从而保证了定位的精度。

3 基于众包数据的室内定位方法

本文所引入的半监督极速学习机(SELM)[9]、具有时效机制的增量式定位方法(TMELM)[10]和特征自适应的在线极速学习机(FA-OSELM)[11]均基于极速学习机(Extreme Learning Machine, ELM),本节首先对ELM模型进行简要介绍,接着对SELM、TMELM、FA-OSELM算法模型进行阐述。

3.1 极速学习机(ELM)

ELM(Extreme Learning Machine)[12-14]属于人工神经网络范畴,是一种单隐层前馈神经网络(Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Network, SLFN)。,该神经网络训练时间短,网络结构较为简洁(图2)。对于一个输入向量 x R n 和具有 L 个隐层节点的SLFN,其输出形式定义如式(1)所示。
f L ( x ) = i = 1 L β i G ( a i , b i , x ) a i R L , b i R , β i R m (1)
式中: a i = [ a i 1 , a i 2 , , a in ] T 表示连接输入向量与第 i 个隐层节点的权值; b i 表示第 i 个隐层节点的偏置参数; G ( a i , b i , x ) 是第 i 个隐层节点的输出; β i = [ β i 1 , β i 2 , β im ] T 表示连接第 i 个隐层节点与输出节点的权值。
Fig. 2 Structure of ELM(Single-hidden layerfeedforward neural networks)

图2 ELM网络结构(单隐层前馈神经网络SLFN)

假设 g ( x ) 为隐层节点的激励函数,则:
G ( a i , b i , x ) = g ( a i x + b i ) a i R n , b i R (2)
对于输入的 N 个训练样本集 { ( x j , t j ) | j = 1,2 , , N } , x j = [ x j 1 , x j 2 , , x jn ] T ,其中 x j R n 代表输入的信号特征向量, t j R m 表示样本点的物理位置,则有
G ( a i , b i , x j ) = g ( a i x j + b i ) a i R n , b i R , j = 1,2 , , N (3)
H = G ( a 1 , b 1 , x 1 ) G ( a L , b L , x 1 ) G ( a 1 , b 1 , x N ) G ( a L , b L , x N ) N × L , β = β 1 T β L T L × m , T = t 1 T t N T N × m (4)
根据式(1)可得 = T 即期望获得具有 L 个隐层节点的SLFN零误差逼近这 N 个样本。
根据文献[12]-[14],参数 a i b i 无需在训练过程中进行调整,只需在初始阶段随机指定即可。因此 H T 均为已知, H H 的伪逆矩阵[15-16],则 β 的求解公式如式(5)所示。
β = H T = ( H T H ) - 1 H T T (5)
arg min β ( - T ) (6)

3.2 半监督极速学习机(SELM)

为了保证位置指纹定位算法预测精确度,需要采集大量的标定样本进行模型训练,当样本数据不够时,模型在定位精度上无法满足需求,而人工采集大批量的标定数据工作量巨大。故本文提出众包的采集思路,即用户在使用定位系统的过程中会进行指纹数据采集,通过获取该数据来作为模型更新时的增量训练数据,但这种方式采集到的训练数据为无标定数据。针对该问题,通过引入半监督极速学习机(Semi-supervised ELM, SELM)[9]进行解决。使用SELM能充分利用非标定数据来训练模型,极大地减少标定数据采集的工作量。为了使SELM相比ELM能取得更好的位置预测效果,同时具有很好的泛化能力,根据结构风险最小化理论,模型需要在经验风险和学习函数 f 的复杂度之间取得平衡。本文通过引入图的拉普拉斯(Laplacian)算子[17]来达到预期目标。在文献[18]中,使用图的平滑度函数 S ( f ) = W ij ( f i - f j ) 2 = f T L a f 来表示模型复杂性,其中 L a 代表图的拉普拉斯算子。文献[19]已经讨论, L a = D - W ,其中 D 表示一个对角矩阵,由 D ii = j = 1 l + u W ij 给出, W ij = e - | x i - x j | 2 2 δ 2 。由此,式(6)可通过最小化均方损失函数加上平滑度惩罚而转化为式(7)。
arg min f 1 2 ( f - T 2 + λ f T L a f ) (7)
= f 可得式(8):
arg min β l ( β ) = arg min β l 1 2 ( JHβ - T 2 + λ ( ) T L a ) (8)
根据上述, H 已知,且包含所有的标定数据集和非标定数据集,维度变为 ( l + u ) × L
为了计算方便,可令 J = diag ( 1,1 , , 0,0 ) , l 个1,剩下的全部填充0。通过对式(8)求导得到其最优解如式(9)、(10)所示:
l β = 0 ( JHβ - T ) T JH + λ ( ) T L a H = 0 (9)
β = ( ( J + λ L a T ) H ) JT (10)
式(7)和式(10)中 λ 被置为0,意味着非标定样本数据被忽略,则 β 退化为式(5)的结果。
对于标定数据集: ( x i , t i ) | x i R n , t i R m , i = 1,2 , , l } ,非标定数据集: { x i | x i R n , i = 1,2 , , u } ,隐层节点数量为 L ,权值 λ , G ( a i , b i , x ) = g ( b i | x - a i | ,则整个位置估计过程可表示如下:
(1)通过随机方式来给 a i b i 赋值,设置隐层节点数量为 L ;
(2)计算矩阵H( H 的维度为 m × L ), m = l + u ;
(3)计算图的拉普拉斯算子 L a , L a D W 的维数均为 m × m ;
(4)计算 β ;
(5)利用训练得到的模型 f = 进行预测。

3.3 具有时效机制的增量式极速学习机模型 (TMELM)

指纹定位模型的预测精度很大程度上由离线阶段的标定数据和在线测试数据是否满足同一分布模型决定,在真实环境中,由于室内的Wi-Fi信号具有高动态性,室内建筑布置格局、空气温湿度以及人流等因素都会引起Wi-Fi信号不同程度的波动。在此情况下,依据采集数据训练出来的模型适应性会显著下降。为了解决模型分布不一致的问题,可引入增量学习框架[20],其特点在于能将最新训练样本实时融入训练模型以达到模型适应环境变化的要求。然而传统增量学习模型框架未对训练样本的时效性加以考虑,采取同等对待方式,导致新模型的适应效果不佳。在3.2中通过半监督学习的方式充分利用了众包方式采集到非标定数据来训练更新位置指纹模型,然而用户不断提交的众包数据具有明显时效差异,不同时间段采集到的无标定数据对当前位置指纹模型的贡献度不一样。通过对新训练样本加以权重[21]考虑,并引入了一种基于时效机制的增量式无线定位方法(Timeliness Managing Extreme Learning Machine, TMELM)[10],可对实时加入的训练数据进行在线增量学习,同时融入时效机制来提高新训练数据对定位模型的贡献,从而保持定位模型的精度。
在增量学习框架中,对于新加入的训练数据 X * ,一种处理方式是将其和以前的训练数据混合在一起,重新训练得到新的定位模型,另一种处理方式就是考虑新训练数据的贡献 Δβ ,将其与现有模型参数 β 相融合得到 β * ,如式(11)所示,从而达到修正模型的效果,显然后者的计算量较前者减少 很多。
β * = β + Δβ ( X * ) (11)
K 0 = H 0 T H 0 ,根据式(5)有 β 0 = K 0 - 1 H 0 T T 0 , 新增加 N 1 个样本点的数据集为 ( x i , t i ) i = N + 1 N + N 1 ,则有式(12)。
K 1 = H 0 H 1 T H 0 H 1 = H 0 T H 1 T H 0 H 1 = K 0 + H 1 T H 1 (12)
β 1 = K 1 - 1 H 0 H 1 T T 1 T 1 = K 1 - 1 ( K 1 β 0 - H 1 T H 1 β 0 + H 1 T T 1 ) = β 0 + K 1 - 1 H 1 T ( T 1 - H 1 β 0 ) (13)
从式(13)可知 β 1 的计算是基于 β 0 进行的,不需要将所有原始数据混合新训练样本全部重新计算,从而大大减少了模型训练的计算量。同时式(13)中 K 1 - 1 H 1 T ( T 1 - H 1 β 0 ) 也体现了新加入样本对已有模型的修正。但该式(13)未考虑新增样本的时效性,根据上文分析,在真实环境中Wi-Fi信号具有高动态性,因此考虑新增数据的时效性,需建立一种时效机制,在该机制中越久远的数据对位置预测的贡献越少,越新的数据对位置预测的贡献越大,通过引入权重惩罚来实现该机制,即对式(13)做如下修改:
β 1 = β 0 + ω K 1 - 1 H 1 T ( T 1 - H 1 β 0 ) (14)
惩罚权重 ω 加强了新增数据对预测模型的影响程度,减少了旧数据对预测模型的贡献, ω 的取值通过实验获得,且在增量学习过程中保持不变。通过对 ω 进行牛顿迭代来使其收敛,即对式(14)进行迭代计算直到 | β k + 1 - β k < ε ( ε 为经验阈值)。
β k + 1 = β k + ω K k + 1 - 1 H K + 1 T ( T k + 1 - H k + 1 β k ) (15)

3.4 特征自适应的在线连续增量极速学习机模型(FA-OSELM)

在3.3节中,通过引入时效机制和权重因子解决了众包采集数据因为时间段不同从而贡献度不一致,导致位置指纹模型适应度下降的问题。然而在真实环境中用户会移除部分AP,同时也有可能部署新的AP,由于不同的用户使用定位系统的时间不一致,这样在不同时间段采集到众包数据特征维数不等长,从而导致采集的训练数据、用户提交的无标定增量数据以及实时定位请求数据会出现维度不一致的问题。针对这一问题,本文进一步引入了特征自适应的在线增量极速学习机(Feature Adaptive Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine, FA-OSELM)[11],当真实环境中AP发生变化导致特征维度改变时,该方法能针对已训练模型的特征维度和新增样本数据特征维度不等长的情况进行自适应调整,从而有效利用新样本数据更新模型,提升了模型的适应度。
首先,给定N个具有区分度的样本 ( x i , t i ) | x i R n , t i R m , i = 1,2 , , N } , x i n × 1 向量, x i = [ x i 1 , x i 2 , , x in ] T ,再给定 N 1 个同样具有区分度的样本集合 { ( x i ' , t i ) | x i R n , t i R m , i = 1,2 , , N 1 } , x i ' n × 1 向量, x i ' = [ x i 1 ' , x i 2 ' , , x in ' ' ] T ,当真实环境中AP数量发生变化时,根据式(6)均可转化为求式(16)的最小值。
H 0 H 1 β - T 0 T 1 (16)
H 0 = G ( a 1 , b 1 , x 1 ) G ( a L , b L , x 1 ) G ( a 1 , b 1 , x N ) G ( a L , b L , x N ) N × L , T 0 = t 1 T t N T N × m (17)
H 1 = G ( a 1 , b 1 , x N + 1 ' ) G ( a L , b L ' , x N + 1 ' ) G ( a 1 , b 1 , x N + N 1 ' ) G ( a L , b L ' , x N + N 1 ' ) N 1 × L , T 1 = t N + 1 T t N + N 1 T N 1 × m (18)
a i = a 1 , a 2 , a n i = 1 L , x i = x 1 , x 2 , x n i = 1 N (19)
a i = a 1 , a , a n ' i = 1 L , x i = x 1 , x 2 , x n ' i = 1 N 1 (20)
根据式(17)和式(18), a i x i 维度相同, a i x i 维度相同,而 x i x i 维度不一致,因此,当特征维度发生改变时仅需要对 a i 进行调整。本文引入输入权重转换矩阵 P 和输入权重增补向量 Q i ,然后根据式(21)来生成 a i
a i ' = a i P + Q i i = 1 L (21)
P = P 11 P 1 n P n 1 P n n n × n (22)
Q i = Q 1 , , Q 1 n 1 × n (23)
矩阵 P 的规则如下:
(3) P ij = 1 表示第 i 维特征转换成了第 j 维特征。
向量 Q i 的规则如下:
(1)当特征维度减少时, Q i 是一个全0向量;
(2)当特征维度增加时,如果 a i 是新的特征,则根据 a i 的分布随机生成 Q i 的第 i 维。
在新样本数据的特征维度发生变化时,无法根据式(15)来计算 β * ,所以需要利用FA-OSELM方法重新生成 a i ,然后利用调整后的模型参数来迭代生成新的 β * ,最后用更新后的模型做位置估计,从而在任意特征维度下本文模型都能自适应地进行调整,实现在线连续增量学习。

4 基于众包数据的室内定位平台

Fig. 3 Whole architecture of localization platform

图3 基于众包数据的室内定位平台架构图

4.1 数据层

4.1.1 室内地图
4.1.2 指纹数据

4.2 接口层

Fig. 4 Whole architecture of SDK

图4 SDK整体架构图

SDK加载完指纹数据后先进行AP扫描来采集定位数据,然后调用核心定位算法进行位置计算,最后将定位结果以接口回调的方式返回给应用,最终应用将定位结果以地图坐标的形式呈献给用户,同时SDK根据当前定位结果调用缓存更新算法进行异步指纹更新,保证当前缓存中指纹数据的有 效性。

4.3 应用层


5 定位平台系统应用案例

5.1 智能导购系统或者智能购物导航系统

Fig. 5 The application of shopping closed-loop system

图5 购物闭环系统应用APP

5.2 博览会导航


5.3 智能停车服务或者辅助找车服务

Fig. 6 The application of wisdom exhibition

图6 智慧展览应用

Fig. 7 The application of smart parking

图7 智慧停车应用

6 结束语


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Liu J F, Chen Y Q, Liu M J, et al. SELM: semi-supervisedELM with application in sparse calibrated location estimation[J]. Neurocomputing, 2011,74(16):2566-2572.Indoor location estimation based on Wi-Fi has attracted more and more attention from both research and industry fields. It brings two significant challenges. One is requiring a vast amount of labeled calibration data. The other is real-time training and testing for location estimation task. Traditional machine learning methods cannot get high performance in both aspects. This paper proposed a novel semi-supervised learning method SELM (semi-supervised extreme learning machine) and applied it to sparse calibrated location estimation. There are two advantages of the proposed SELM. First, it employs graph Laplacian regularization to import large number of unlabeled samples which can dramatically reduce labeled calibration samples. Second, it inherits the good property of ELM on extreme training and testing speed. Comparative experiments show that with same number of labeled samples, our method outperforms original ELM and back propagation (BP) network, especially in the case that the calibration data is very sparse.


刘军发,谷洋,陈益强,等.具有时效机制的增量式无线定位方法[J].计算机学报,2013,36(7):1448-1455.基于WLAN(Wireless Local Area Networks)的无线定位是移动互联网领域的重要研究内容之一.其中,指纹定位方法已成为主流,此类方法的特点之一在于需要离线训练数据与在线测试数据具有严格的一致性.但在实际环境中,无线信号数据波动较大,存在显著的时效性问题.这导致一定时间后,定位模型的预测精度不断下降.文中提出一种具有时效机制的增量式定位方法(Timeliness Managing Extreme Learning Machine,TMELM),一方面满足实际系统的应用需求,可随时加入新的训练数据进行在线增量式学习,另一方面融入时效机制,以最大化新增训练数据对定位模型的贡献,保持定位模型的精度.实验表明,在实际WLAN定位数据集上,文中方法相比于传统的几种增量式学习方法,具有明显的时效优势,能获得更好的定位精度.


[ Liu J F, Gu Y, Chen Y Q, et al. Incremental Localization in WLAN Environment with Timeliness Management[J]. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2013,36(7):1448-1455. ]

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Huang G B, Chen L, Siew C K.Universal approximation using incremental constructive feedforward networks with random hidden nodes[J]. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 2006,17(4):879-892.According to conventional neural network theories, single-hidden-layer feedforward networks (SLFNs) with additive or radial basis function (RBF) hidden nodes are universal approximators when all the parameters of the networks are allowed adjustable. However, as observed in most neural network implementations, tuning all the parameters of the networks may cause learning complicated and inefficient, and it may be difficult to train networks with nondifferential activation functions such as threshold networks. Unlike conventional neural network theories, this paper proves in an incremental constructive method that in order to let SLFNs work as universal approximators, one may simply randomly choose hidden nodes and then only need to adjust the output weights linking the hidden layer and the output layer. In such SLFNs implementations, the activation functions for additive nodes can be any bounded nonconstant piecewise continuous functions g : R --> R and the activation functions for RBF nodes can be any integrable piecewise continuous functions g : R --> R and integral of R g(x)dx not equal to 0. The proposed incremental method is efficient not only for SFLNs with continuous (including nondifferentiable) activation functions but also for SLFNs with piecewise continuous (such as threshold) activation functions. Compared to other popular methods such a new network is fully automatic and users need not intervene the learning process by manually tuning control parameters.


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Belkin M, Niyogi P, Sindhwani V.Manifold regularization: A geometric framework for learning from labeled and unlabeled examples[J]. Journal of machine learning research, 2006,7(11):2399-434.We propose a family of learning algorithms based on a new form of regularization that allows us to exploit the geometry of the marginal distribution. We focus on a semi-supervised framework that incorporates labeled and unlabeled data in a general-purpose learner. Some transductive graph learning algorithms and standard methods including support vector machines and regularized least squares can be obtained as special cases. We use properties of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces to prove new Representer theorems that provide theoretical basis for the algorithms. As a result (in contrast to purely graph-based approaches) we obtain a natural out-of-sample extension to novel examples and so are able to handle both transductive and truly semi-supervised settings. We present experimental evidence suggesting that our semi-supervised algorithms are able to use unlabeled data effectively. Finally we have a brief discussion of unsupervised and fully supervised learning within our general framework.


Reddi S J, Sra S, Poczos B, et al. Fast Incremental Method for nonconvex optimization[J]. arxiv preprint arxiv:2016:1603.06159.We analyze a fast incremental aggregated gradient method for optimizing nonconvex problems of the form $\min_x \sum_i f_i(x)$. Specifically, we analyze the SAGA algorithm within an Incremental First-order Oracle framework, and show that it converges to a stationary point provably faster than both gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent. We also discuss a Polyak's special class of nonconvex problems for which SAGA converges at a linear rate to the global optimum. Finally, we analyze the practically valuable regularized and minibatch variants of SAGA. To our knowledge, this paper presents the first analysis of fast convergence for an incremental aggregated gradient method for nonconvex problems.

Ma R, Guo Q, Hu C, et al. An improved wi-fi indoor positioning algorithm by weighted fusion[J]. Sensors, 2015,15(9):1824-21843.The rapid development of mobile Internet has offered the opportunity for WiFi indoor positioning to come under the spotlight due to its low cost. However, nowadays the accuracy of WiFi indoor positioning cannot meet the demands of practical applications. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an improved WiFi indoor positioning algorithm by weighted fusion. The proposed algorithm is based on traditional location fingerprinting algorithms and consists of two stages: the offline acquisition and the online positioning. The offline acquisition process selects optimal parameters to complete the signal acquisition, and it forms a database of fingerprints by error classification and handling. To further improve the accuracy of positioning, the online positioning process first uses a pre-match method to select the candidate fingerprints to shorten the positioning time. After that, it uses the improved Euclidean distance and the improved joint probability to calculate two intermediate results, and further calculates the final result from these two intermediate results by weighted fusion. The improved Euclidean distance introduces the standard deviation of WiFi signal strength to smooth the WiFi signal fluctuation and the improved joint probability introduces the logarithmic calculation to reduce the difference between probability values. Comparing the proposed algorithm, the Euclidean distance based WKNN algorithm and the joint probability algorithm, the experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm has higher positioning accuracy.


