廖心治(1996— ),男,四川眉山人,硕士生,主要从事GIS与城市空间研究。E-mail: 644609584@qq.com |
收稿日期: 2020-08-26
要求修回日期: 2021-01-04
网络出版日期: 2021-06-25
Evaluation Method of Medical Facilities Service Coverage in Mountainous Cities based on Map Data
Received date: 2020-08-26
Request revised date: 2021-01-04
Online published: 2021-06-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(51678086)
Project Supported by Graduate Scientific Research and Innovation Foundation of Chongqing, China(CYS20028)
廖心治 , 王华 , 赵万民 . 融合地图数据的山地城市医疗设施服务覆盖评估方法研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2021 , 23(4) : 604 -616 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.200489
With the continuous development of China's social economy, residents' demand for medical services is increasing. It is of great significance to analyze and evaluate the service scope of urban medical facilities to solve the contradiction between medical supply and demand and improve the level of urban health. At present, the coverage assessment of medical facilities in China mostly ignores the traffic network and population distribution, resulting in many blind areas of urban medical services. The complex terrain environment of mountainous high-density city affects the travel ability and mode of residents, and increases the difficulty of medical facilities service coverage, so it is difficult to accurately evaluate it by traditional methods. Based on the analysis and comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the existing medical accessibility research methods, taking the main urban area of Chongqing as the experimental area, this paper attempts to adopt the optimized 2SFCA, and according to the network map data and official statistical data, establishes the medical facility accessibility analysis model based on GIS platform, The coverage of medical facilities and medical accessibility of each street and town were scientifically evaluated from three levels of city, district, and community. The results show that the improved method can deal with massive medical data, accurately simulate the scope of medical services, and output the evaluation results of full level medical facility service coverage, which is more suitable for mountainous areas with complex transportation and multi-level medical facility service coverage evaluation. The comprehensive evaluation shows that the medical facilities in the main urban area of Chongqing have the problems of uneven spatial distribution of large general hospitals and incomplete internal coverage of primary medical facilities, and the streets and towns with better medical coverage only account for 33.1% of the total. Therefore, it is suggested that the high-quality large-scale medical resources gathered in the old urban areas should be shared with the new urban areas. At the same time, according to the geographical location and technical ability, medical districts with complete levels should be established to make up for the shortcomings of primary medical services in the old urban areas, to improve the allocation of medical facilities in the main urban areas of Chongqing.
Key words: mountainous city; medical facilities; accessibility; map data; main urban area of Chongqing; GIS; POI; 2SFCA
表1 交通网络数据转换与赋值Tab. 1 Traffic network data conversion and assignment |
类型 | 车行网络 | 车行/步行网络 | 步行网络 | |||||
重分类 | 高速路 (立交) | 主干路 (立交) | 一级次干路 (立交) | 二级次干路 (立交) | 三级次干路 | 支路 | 步行道 | 台阶 |
原始数据分类 | Motorway Motorway-link | Trunk Trunk-link | Primary Primary-link | Secondary Secondary-link | Tertiary Tertiary-link | Living-street Track Residential Service Unclassified Path Road | pedestrian Cycleway Footway | steps |
车速/(km/h) | 80 (40) | 60 (30) | 50 (30) | 45 (20) | 40 | 30 | - | - |
步行/(m/min) | - | 90 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 50 |
表2 医疗设施POI数据转换Tab.2 Traffic network data conversion and assignment |
新分类 | 市域级 | 片区级 | 社区级 | 剔除 |
原始分类 (数量/个) | 疾病预防机构(9) 三级甲等医院(26) 急救中心(5) 脑科医院(1) | 二级综合医院(360) 骨科医院(14) 妇科医院(16) 精神病医院(10) 各区传染病医院(4) 其他专科医院(79) | 诊所(1053) 卫生院(155) | 医药保健销售(2119) 医疗保健服务(1086) 整形美容等(262) |
合计/个 | 41 | 483 | 1208 | 3367 |
表3 医疗设施分析权重Tab. 3 Analysis weight of medical facilities |
医疗设施等级 | |||
市域级 | 片区级 | 社区级 | |
平均最近就医距离/km | 10.6 | 5.2 | 2.9 |
年均接诊人次/万人 | 100 | 30 | 5 |
叠加分析权重/% | 29 | 48 | 23 |
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