诸云强(1977— ),男,江西广丰人,博士,研究员,研究方向为分布式数据共享关键技术、地理空间数据本体与应用、地学知识图谱及应用、资源环境信息系统。E-mail: zhuyq@lreis.ac.cn |
收稿日期: 2021-11-01
修回日期: 2022-01-29
网络出版日期: 2023-06-02
Research and Practice on the Framework for the Construction, Sharing, and Application of Large-scale Geoscience Knowledge Graphs
Received date: 2021-11-01
Revised date: 2022-01-29
Online published: 2023-06-02
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42050101)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41771430)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41631177)
Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA23100100)
诸云强 , 孙凯 , 胡修棉 , 闾海荣 , 王新兵 , 杨杰 , 王曙 , 李威蓉 , 宋佳 , 苏娜 , 牟兴林 . 大规模地球科学知识图谱构建与共享应用框架研究与实践[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2023 , 25(6) : 1215 -1227 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.210696
Geoscience Knowledge Graph (GKG) has strong capabilities of knowledge representation and semantic reasoning, thereby becoming a required infrastructure for the development of geoscience big data and geoscience artificial intelligence. However, existing studies on GKG were mainly conducted under the experimental scenarios. Because of a lack of research on the general framework of construction methods, sharing, and application of large-scale GKG for practical applications, it has not been used in practical applications in the geoscience field. For this reason, towards the needs of research and applications of geoscience big data and artificial intelligence for GKG, this paper first studied the construction techniques of large-scale GKG. Then, a general framework for covering the lifecycle of GKG including its construction, sharing, and application was proposed. Taking the big science program “Deep-Time Digital Earth (DDE)” as an example, the practice of developing GKG platform towards the practical application of DDE was carried out. Using this platform, this paper realized the construction of DDE large-scale GKG, the open sharing and application of built GKG, proving that the proposed framework can effectively support the construction, sharing, and application of large-scale GKG. This paper plays an important role in promoting the realization of the practical application value of GKG.
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